
Profile Link: http://www.carder.pro/member.php?u=57453
Nick on forum : bhkmagreb
Jabber : [email protected]

This guy ripped me on a ACH of 10K to his drop, Who cashed ALL money and he sent me ONLY $450 bucks from Gambia, My share is 5K in full and he will pay WU/MG fee's. He has not been online for 2 days now. Here are the logs/Screenshot of his drop who cashed out.

(9:08:40 PM) Me: Good news.
(9:08:44 PM) Me: Money is in chase drop.
(9:08:51 PM) [email protected]: really
(9:08:54 PM) Me: Yes.
(9:08:58 PM) Me: Tell her to go cashout now.
(9:09:13 PM) [email protected]: how much
(9:09:56 PM) Me: Sender Name: Frank Dale Construction, Ltd.
Sender Account: 860010537
Receiver Name: Bartram, Mariam
Bank: Chase
Amount: $10,121.80
(9:10:14 PM) [email protected]: Sender Name: Frank Dale Construction, Ltd. Sender Account: 860010537 Sender Bank: FROST NATIONAL BANK Receiver Name: Bartram, Mariam Bank: Chase Amount: $10,121.80
(9:10:33 PM) Me: Yes.
(9:10:40 PM) Me: Tell her to GO NOW and cashout NOW.
(9:10:56 PM) [email protected]: ok because she is waiting for monday
(9:10:59 PM) Me: Let me give u my MG drop infos to send 2.5k on each name from MG.

(9:11:01 PM) [email protected]: i will call her
(9:11:08 PM) [email protected]: give me
(3:19:07 PM) [email protected]: She cashed 8K
(3:19:22 PM) [email protected]: She managed to send here 2K
(3:19:37 PM) [email protected]: Promised to send the Balance this morning
(3:19:45 PM) [email protected]: I will send to u
(3:19:51 PM) [email protected]: From here
(3:19:53 PM) Me: Where will she send the balance to?
(3:20:08 PM) [email protected]: Once I received total here
(3:20:12 PM) Me: And u cannot send from there to me from WU/MG cuz of the damn limits man.
(3:20:19 PM) [email protected]: She will send here
(3:20:31 PM) [email protected]: I will send by MG
(3:20:43 PM) [email protected]: 500 once
(3:21:55 PM) [email protected]: Bro am doing everything to make. This deal go smoth
(3:23:00 PM) Me: Look man 1st of all tell me.
(3:23:04 PM) Me: U got the 2k yes?
(3:23:10 PM) [email protected]: Yes
(3:23:23 PM) [email protected]: I will give u MTCN now
(3:23:30 PM) [email protected]: Picked up
(3:23:54 PM) [email protected]: I always take the first available
(3:24:04 PM) Me: Ok.

3RD DAY!!!
(12/10/2012 12:15:50 PM) [email protected]: you get first transfer of 1k this morning
(12/10/2012 12:15:55 PM) [email protected]: she sent 2250
(3:12:21 PM) Me: Man what the hell is going on?
(3:12:29 PM) Me: WHY the hell is she sending money in bits and pieces?
(3:12:41 PM) Me: She was supposed to send ALL money yesterday to u.
(3:12:49 PM) Me: Or u dont have enough names to pick up?
(3:13:17 PM) [email protected]: Bro U don't know what I am going through getting this money from her
(3:13:34 PM) Me: Bro its ur drop, Ur responsibility, Not mine.
(3:13:44 PM) Me: Ur getting paid for doing ur job.
(3:13:49 PM) Me: We're getting paid for doing our job.
(3:13:54 PM) Me: What ur going thru man?
(3:14:06 PM) Me: So far she sent u 4250 in total?
(3:14:30 PM) [email protected]: She is dating another Nigerian guy
(3:14:42 PM) [email protected]: That is telling her the money is scam
(3:14:57 PM) [email protected]: Thank God the amount is 10K
(3:15:07 PM) [email protected]: But I will get all ur 5K
(3:15:10 PM) [email protected]: Sent
(3:15:51 PM) Me: And u were telling me she can take ANY AMOUNT..
(3:16:29 PM) Me: Man tell me now u received 4250 in total from her or what?
(3:17:13 PM) Me: Like 2k day b4 yesterday and 2250 yesterday by her yes?
(3:18:47 PM) Me: ???
(3:19:11 PM) [email protected]: Yes she took 12K without fuck up
(3:19:11 PM) [email protected]: So why wouldn't I trust her bro
(3:21:51 PM) [email protected]: But now am Praying and begging Allah to help me get all ur payments sent
(3:22:11 PM) [email protected]: So I not bow my head in shame
(3:31:07 PM) Me: Bro I would need the 5k no matter what, She cashed, U had ample of time to get all of this money and till now u got only 4250.
(3:31:13 PM) Me: When are u sending this 1k?
(3:31:22 PM) Me: MG will close in 1 hr and 30 mins from now.
(3:33:59 PM) [email protected]: Now
(3:34:06 PM) [email protected]: Online here
(3:34:32 PM) Me: Online where?
(3:37:39 PM) Me: I'm going out to MG to pick up the money sent from other drops.
(3:37:46 PM) Me: Call me with reference codes..

(8:49:25 PM) Me: Did u sent the remaining as well?
(8:56:54 PM) [email protected]: I am online here again bro
(8:56:58 PM) [email protected]: Long list
(8:58:31 PM) Me: Long list of what?
(9:03:55 PM) Me: Long list of what bro?
(9:17:00 PM) Me: ?
(9:17:04 PM) Me: I'm asking u something man..
(9:20:00 PM) [email protected]: people line up here
(9:21:02 PM) Me: Ok..
(9:21:07 PM) Me: Que..
(9:21:18 PM) [email protected]: yes bro
(9:22:53 PM) Me: Ok.
(9:23:10 PM) Me: And that chase girl is sending and cashing the remaining funds today to u?
(9:24:05 PM) [email protected]: i begged to try and have the funds send accross
(9:25:09 PM) [email protected]: i am telling her another is coming just to make her send the balance here
(9:25:32 PM) Me: Ok..
(9:25:35 PM) Me: Well get it bro..
(9:25:48 PM) [email protected]: i will
(9:26:08 PM) Me: Cuz u should keep this thing in ur mind that it will be reversed by tomorrow or day after..
(9:26:18 PM) Me: So better get all of the funds sent to urself within today..
(9:26:34 PM) [email protected]: i am doing it all
(9:26:36 PM) [email protected]: i know
(9:26:48 PM) [email protected]: if not reversed today
(9:31:03 PM) Me: Its not reversed today..
(9:31:29 PM) [email protected]: then inshallah we shall have the balance sent here
(9:32:47 PM) Me: InshAllah.

4TH DAY!!!

(2:11:20 AM) Me: U there?
(2:13:52 AM) Me: What state is this chase drop from?
(2:14:49 AM) [email protected]: CA
(2:15:07 AM) Me: Ok. So whats the update?
(2:15:25 AM) [email protected]: She hasn't get back to me
(2:15:46 AM) [email protected]: Have sent about 7sms
(2:15:58 AM) [email protected]: Don't wanna flood
(2:18:42 AM) Me: Did u called her?
(2:20:55 AM) Me: She cashed out REMAINING as well.
(2:21:17 AM) Me: **Pending Misc. Debit WITHDRAWAL* $4,200.00** ** * **Pending Misc. Debit ATM DEBIT 67800 VISTA CHINO CATHEDRAL CI CA* $500.00** ** * **Pending Misc. Debit WITHDRAWAL* $5,000.00**
(2:29:11 AM) [email protected]: Ok great
(2:29:18 AM) [email protected]: Bro she will
(2:29:31 AM) [email protected]: Twice she promised nd she sent
(2:29:44 AM) Me: She promised to send ALL of the remaining..
(2:29:55 AM) Me: But did she? No she didn't.
(2:30:12 AM) [email protected]: That's what I asked her
(2:30:24 AM) [email protected]: To do
(2:37:58 AM) Me: But she didnt..
(2:38:01 AM) Me: That's my point.
(2:38:19 AM) Me: Bro listen tomorrow try to send early as possible so I can pickup within my working hrs..
(2:38:31 AM) Me: I'm 5hrs ahead of ur country's time..
(2:38:31 AM) [email protected]: ok bro
(2:38:45 AM) Me: At 5PM MG system gets closed.
(5:10:35 AM) Me: Whats the update?
(5:12:57 AM) [email protected]: No news
(5:13:10 AM) [email protected]: But she will send
(5:13:24 AM) Me: Did u called her?
(5:13:30 AM) Me: What makes u so sure she will send man?
(5:13:47 AM) [email protected]: Sure
(5:14:34 AM) [email protected]: She said she will pay for her house
(5:15:00 AM) Me: What do u mean pay for her house?
(5:15:10 AM) [email protected]: And I said ok
(5:15:22 AM) [email protected]: She will send 5K plus
(5:16:51 AM) [email protected]: Enough for me to send u
(5:17:29 AM) Me: I still do not understand pay for her house..
(5:17:39 AM) Me: Why does she have to pay for her house to u?
(5:25:34 AM) Me: ?
(5:31:04 AM) [email protected]: Am playing the fool for u to get ur 5K
(5:31:56 AM) Me: With what story?
(5:32:47 AM) [email protected]: She suddenly became a lioness after she received this last payments
(5:33:07 AM) Me: And?
(5:34:07 AM) [email protected]: She will take 3500 for her house debt
(5:34:23 AM) [email protected]: I aggree for peace to rain
(5:34:43 AM) [email protected]: Nd she turn to oliver twist asking for more
(5:35:22 AM) Me: OK. So finally what is making her send the remaining money?
(5:36:04 AM) [email protected]: Begging that I need 6k first
(5:36:24 AM) [email protected]: Which she agreed and now she only sent 4250
(5:36:54 AM) Me: Man u should choose ur drops wisely..
(5:37:05 AM) Me: How could u trust her with 20k or something?
(5:37:26 AM) [email protected]: I said she took 12K
(5:37:43 AM) [email protected]: And I gave her a gift of 2500$
(5:38:19 AM) [email protected]: And she bought an Apple mac pro for herself and send down the balance
(5:38:37 AM) [email protected]: Since then she does everything for free
(5:39:54 AM) Me: Ahaan..
(5:40:49 AM) [email protected]: Since then she take 2k / 4K
(5:40:58 AM) [email protected]: Without asking for anything
(5:41:28 AM) Me: Not good drop who takes that kinda money..
(5:41:37 AM) [email protected]: Yes
(5:41:41 AM) [email protected]: She is good
(5:41:47 AM) [email protected]: She sent me money
(5:41:55 AM) [email protected]: When we started newly
(5:42:49 AM) Me: lol
(5:42:55 AM) Me: Weird that ur saying she is good.
(5:43:06 AM) Me: When she is so slow in sending money and not sending u ur full money..
(5:43:37 AM) [email protected]: Now I told u she got a Nigerian guy
(5:43:40 AM) [email protected]: Scaming her bad
(5:58:36 AM) Me: Anyways get me my 5k ASAP to me.
(5:58:42 AM) Me: And send $500 man not $450.

AFTER THIS, He has been staying invisible and coming online on forum but not replying my msgs. Hasnt sent anything after $450, He has gotten all money for sure and not sending me cuz ALL money gotten cashed on Monday. If screenshot of chase drop is needed Ninja, I will provide that too. Pls assign him ripper status.


I know u wasnt online since 11.12.2012 but when u appear u have 24hrs to solve the issue.


Have been on travel..............just arrived. i will send him all the 4250 i received from the Drops. please give me 48hrs to fix that. Thanks for your kind understanding.


48hrs passed and didn't received a dime, Asked me for drops to send but never sent a dime. Pls assign him ripper status Ninja.


(3:34:41 PM) Me: Hi bro.
(3:34:53 PM) [email protected]: hi
(3:34:58 PM) Me: Whats up?
(3:35:04 PM) Me: U sending the money today?
(3:35:35 PM) [email protected]: no
(3:35:57 PM) Me: Then when will u?
(3:36:04 PM) [email protected]: this week
(3:36:13 PM) Me: Ok.
(3:36:15 PM) Me: Waiting.
(3:36:29 PM) Me: Post on the forum that u will pay within this week.
(3:36:36 PM) Me: If not u should get ripper status.
(3:36:46 PM) Me: http://www.carder.pro/showthread.php?t=71293
(3:36:50 PM) Me: Here is the thread.
(3:41:35 PM) [email protected]: 48hrs passed and didn't received a dime, Asked me for drops to send but never sent a dime. Pls assign him ripper status Ninja.
(3:41:39 PM) [email protected]: i saw it
(3:41:48 PM) [email protected]: better let him assign me a ripper
(3:41:55 PM) [email protected]: do that fast
(3:42:03 PM) [email protected]: please ok
(3:42:11 PM) [email protected]: do that right now
(3:42:16 PM) [email protected]: pls
(3:42:42 PM) Me: Yes thats what I posted long ago when u said 48hrs.
(3:42:46 PM) Me: Ur just buying time man.
(3:42:50 PM) Me: 1st u said 48 hrs
(3:42:52 PM) Me: Now this week.
(3:42:55 PM) [email protected]: bro i said do that now
(3:43:00 PM) [email protected]: no do it right now
(3:43:17 PM) Me: U can post urself that ur not paying and ripper status should be given.
(3:43:23 PM) Me: If u want it "right now"
(3:43:27 PM) [email protected]: let them assign me a riipper
(3:43:36 PM) [email protected]: thats ur job
(3:43:41 PM) [email protected]: and ur problem
(3:43:49 PM) Me: Ok so u ripped..
(3:43:51 PM) Me: Ok then fine.
(3:44:50 PM) Me: Ripped yes? :)
(3:44:55 PM) Me: Say it then if u ripped.
(3:44:58 PM) Me: Don't have balls to admit?
(3:45:03 PM) [email protected]: thats u shit
(3:45:13 PM) [email protected]: dont give a fuck\
(3:45:20 PM) Me: LOL
(3:45:24 PM) Me: It's cuz ur a ripper.
(3:45:26 PM) Me: Liar.
(3:45:32 PM) Me: Talk about islam and Allah
(3:45:38 PM) [email protected]: and u?
(3:45:39 PM) Me: Yet ur a fucking begger.
(3:45:44 PM) [email protected]: you are what
(3:45:56 PM) [email protected]: ur are the fucking begger
(3:46:09 PM) [email protected]: you knwo how many pakistan people rip me?
(3:46:51 PM) Me: Is that my fucking business?
(3:46:54 PM) [email protected]: i rather give that money as xmax gift to other people on the forum
(3:47:00 PM) Me: Atleast u finally opened up that ur not gonna pay.
(3:47:02 PM) [email protected]: then stop talking to me
(3:47:10 PM) [email protected]: thats u shit
(3:47:15 PM) Me: lol
(3:47:18 PM) Me: Really?
(3:47:25 PM) Me: U ripped and ur telling me I'm shit?
(3:47:26 PM) Me: WOW
(3:47:27 PM) [email protected]: yes
(3:47:30 PM) [email protected]: yes
(3:47:32 PM) Me: Not eating someone's money and bla bla shit
(3:47:35 PM) [email protected]: you are the ripper
(3:47:39 PM) Me: hahahahah
(3:47:41 PM) Me: Ok.
(3:48:31 PM) [email protected]: go solve ur shit with people
(3:48:41 PM) [email protected]: u have ur own unresolved problem
(3:48:56 PM) Me: Do u see some post somewhere that I ripped?
(3:49:01 PM) Me: U concern about ur own fucking business.
(3:49:05 PM) Me: U pay me and we're clear.
(3:49:11 PM) Me: U dont pay me then get the fuck off my face.
(3:49:16 PM) Me: Don't act like a fucking boss here
(3:49:18 PM) Me: U fucking moron
(3:49:27 PM) Me: Bitching and lying about wife shit and kuwait shit
(3:49:44 PM) Me: When things are done u guys act like fucking bosses, B4 that ur fucking beggers.
(3:49:46 PM) [email protected]: thats ur shit now
(3:50:02 PM) Me: Anyways get ur status
(3:50:06 PM) Me: Shove that money up ur ass ripper



[email protected]/5dba8e5cb1030b41: Ok good. So tomorrow u will be sending the money 100%?
(7:15:44 PM) [email protected]: I will send you money 100% tommorow
(7:15:57 PM) [email protected]/5dba8e5cb1030b41: Ok np.

Pls assign him ripper status Ninja already, He is just buying time and thats it, He has not been replying AFTER this ..staying online, Talking to other people but not replying me. I'm sick and tired of these guys who make committments and never fulfill em.

---------- Сообщение добавлено в 02:38 AM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 02:30 AM ----------

Also his ICQ number is : 642968899

Just letting everyone else know so he cannot ripp further with this jabber and ICQ. Can't believe I have waited 2 weeks for this guy and after that he stopped replying.


Ninja he is not paying me at all, Not responding to any of my messages. 48hrs, Then 2 weeks, And now nothing. So pls assign him ripper status.


bhkmagreb bhkmagreb is offline
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Last Activity: Today 07:00 PM

He was online even on forum today, I don't know what are you waiting for Ninja? This blacklist has been open for like 15 days and the guy is not paying me. Pls kindly assign him ripper status.


I'm REQUESTING u again Ninja to pls assign him ripper status. ALL proofs and everything is there, I simply do not understand why are you letting him be here?

Last Activity: Today 05:06 PM
Current Activity: Viewing Thread PLASTICS * IDS * SUPPLIES -= Best Service with Great Communication=-

He is currently online.


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