BE ware Icq: 614803357. RIPPER!!!

1. User name: Carder2012

2. Carder2012 was promise to sell 25 pcs of AU dumps to me,
as he promised, the 25 pcs is made up of 20pcs of bin 552350, and 5 pcs of 543793. after LR was sent, he send me 25 pcs of shit...

3. Logs:----------
Part 1( PC Chat History)
(20:07:38) oOEnT:
hi you there
(20:09:52) Carder 2012:
(20:10:15) oOEnT:
sorry, i just relized you sell dumps right?
(20:10:43) Carder 2012:
you want bulk or base?
(20:11:04) oOEnT:
(20:11:19) Carder 2012:
how many pcs?country?
(20:11:43) oOEnT:
(20:12:26) Carder 2012:
(20:14:03) oOEnT:
you have AU?
(20:14:19) Carder 2012:
AU visa/master only
(20:14:31) Carder 2012:
$40/PCS minimum 25 PCS
(20:14:51) Carder 2012:
101 201 121
(20:14:55) oOEnT:
can i choose bin?
(20:15:06) Carder 2012:
Bin of choice
(20:15:09) Carder 2012:
(20:15:21) oOEnT:
(20:15:38) oOEnT:
even first order have to be 25 pcs?
(20:16:26) Carder 2012:
yes, because AU short. so only bulk order. dumps replacment 3 days only( no decline, no country restriction) tested stuff
(20:17:14) oOEnT:
ok i trust you reputation
(20:17:26) Carder 2012:
hmm, thanks
(20:17:28) oOEnT:
may i see the bin list pls
(20:17:32) Carder 2012:
when you need?
(20:17:47) oOEnT:
now? if it's prosible
(20:18:38) Carder 2012:
I am not scammer, I have no intention to scam you, So I must say. could you Please Wait for atleast 36 Hours
(20:18:47) Carder 2012:
i am out of station, when i,ll move back in home
(20:18:49) oOEnT:
(20:18:52) Carder 2012:
I will buzz you
(20:19:07) oOEnT:
it's ok to wait
(20:19:11) Carder 2012:
We can deal. if you confirm me, that you want deal, then i,ll try to back well on time
(20:19:37) oOEnT:
maybe my reputation is not that high in the forum
(20:19:51) oOEnT:
but i never bullshit
(20:20:03) oOEnT:
(20:20:08) Carder 2012:
I agreed. but Just for assurance I asking
(20:20:16) Carder 2012:
Deal? after 30-36 Hours anytime?
(20:20:26) Carder 2012:
Stuff will be A++
(20:20:32) oOEnT:
not a problem
(20:20:51) Carder 2012:
So 25 PCS AU ok
(20:20:59) Carder 2012:
just send me bin number you want
(20:21:13) oOEnT:
(20:21:32) Carder 2012:
yes you can send me bin number.. so i can save it on my phone pad
(20:21:42) Carder 2012:
lol, for sure not going to save in PC
(20:21:46) Carder 2012:
(20:21:54) oOEnT:
(20:21:56) oOEnT:
(20:22:07) oOEnT:
(20:22:22) oOEnT:
(20:22:44) Carder 2012:
try to find 3rd bin of choice
(20:22:50) oOEnT:
(20:22:53) Carder 2012:
then i can mix 25 PCS from 3 Bins
(20:22:54) oOEnT:
(20:22:59) Carder 2012:
OK got it
(20:23:08) oOEnT:
dunt worry about 456468 then
(20:23:31) Carder 2012:
thanks. Well now try to come on time. Hopefully I must be back in home in maximum 30-31 HOURS
(20:23:52) oOEnT:
not a problem
(20:23:57) oOEnT:
let me know when you got home
(20:24:00) oOEnT:
i should be online
(20:24:10) Carder 2012:
Sure, i Will send you message
(20:24:13) Carder 2012:
(20:24:19) oOEnT:
Part 2 (Mobile Chat History):

[21:04] Carder 2012: :) after 33 Hours. Fix count your time from Now. because my flight will be after 30 hour & 40 minutes. just got confirmation.
[23:02] Carder 2012: you there?
[23:04] Carder 2012: Hi, Well update for you. these 2 bins are in stock, Rest of bin i dont have, OR just try to find some other bin
[23:04] Carder 2012: 456457
543793 IN stock
[23:05] Carder 2012: if you agree,, I can mix 13-12 and make 25 PCS order tommowor
[23:05] Carder 2012: Tommorow
[23:06] oO EnT: Sorry I didn't get you, which two bin you have in stock?
[23:07] Carder 2012: 456457
[23:08] oO EnT: Kk, you dunt have 552350
[23:09] Carder 2012: rest of bins are available, but not more then 5-7 PCS each
[23:09] Carder 2012: Thats why i thought its not good to add 5 PCS in order
[23:10] Carder 2012: 552350 is this CW bin?
[23:10] oO EnT: Yes
[23:11] Carder 2012: I have But this bin is not more then 7 PCS
[23:11] oO EnT: CW you mean comm bank yeah?
[23:11] Carder 2012: please write me which BIN you prefer
[23:11] Carder 2012: and how many PCS each bin
[23:11] oO EnT: 552350
[23:11] oO EnT: All
[23:12] oO EnT: I mean If possible I want order all the 552350 you have
[23:12] Carder 2012: 552350 ! Even i could arrange this Bin for you 25 PCS
[23:13] Carder 2012: But to be honest Price will be go to $50/PCS
[23:13] Carder 2012: I need to talk with my buddy to get All of this for you
[23:13] Carder 2012: 50 X 25 = $1250 LR
[23:13] Carder 2012: AGree?
[23:14] oO EnT: A bit over
[23:14] Carder 2012: Well, Just Stay online with me if you could
[23:14] Carder 2012: Then i coulde confirm you in few minutes
[23:15] oO EnT: No worries
[23:15] Carder 2012: and 1 more thing, Rest of all responsbility is MINE. Replacment, Money Back Guarntee, ETC.
[23:15] Carder 2012: Now I should finalize the price with you.
[23:16] oO EnT: Kk
[23:16] oO EnT: Because as you can see, I'm not those once off buyer
[23:17] Carder 2012: I agreed. lol thats why dealing with Honestly, later on it will help us to work for long time
[23:17] Carder 2012: Well $1160 your price
[23:17] Carder 2012: Eariler it was 1125
[23:18] oO EnT: You mean $1160 for 25pcs of 552350?
[23:18] Carder 2012: YEP
[23:18] Carder 2012: BUT Remember 1 Rule !!! 72 HOURS Replacement deadline
[23:19] oO EnT: Got it
[23:19] oO EnT: But can you give me 20 of 552350 and 5 of 543793
[23:19] Carder 2012: Yes why not
[23:20] Carder 2012: I can add & mix in your order
[23:21] oO EnT: Will the price come down for that?
[23:21] Carder 2012: Slightly
[23:21] Carder 2012: go down from 1160 to 1100
[23:21] oO EnT: Honest man
[23:21] oO EnT: Same as what I thought
[23:21] Carder 2012: Thanks
[23:22] Carder 2012: Do good & Have good ( just remember in business)
[23:22] Carder 2012: and You will never be in Loss
[23:22] oO EnT: Thanks for your words
[23:23] Carder 2012: OK, Now if you havent any problem you can Submit payment for Confirmation. Your order will be deliver as Per given time
[23:23] Carder 2012: OR otherwise I can wait to be back in home & will charge you
[23:23] Carder 2012: thank you
[23:25] oO EnT: Can you explain a bit ? I don't understand.. Not that good at English
[23:25] Carder 2012: You have LR now?
[23:25] Carder 2012: if you have then you can send me Payment for confirmation
[23:25] Carder 2012: if you dont want to make payment Now
[23:25] Carder 2012: Its ok
[23:26] Carder 2012: I can wait & when i will go back in home
[23:26] Carder 2012: I will buzz you
[23:26] oO EnT: I do have LR now, but not enough 1100
[23:26] Carder 2012: OK. then It take me sometime to go back in home
[23:26] Carder 2012: till then you can FUND your LR account
[23:26] Carder 2012: Is it ok now?
[23:27] oO EnT: Yeah
[23:28] oO EnT: I mean if you want confirmation, I can send you some LR
[23:28] oO EnT: Just because I don't have enough, if I do, I don't mind to send it now?
[23:29] oO EnT: To me, what time send really doesn't matter
[23:41] Carder 2012: OK
[23:41] Carder 2012: if you have 50 % LR amount
[23:41] Carder 2012: you can send me for confirmation
[23:42] Carder 2012: Even i really dont have any Problem
[23:42] Carder 2012: But It will make sure US you need stuff
[23:42] Carder 2012: And then we will be on our time
[23:42] Carder 2012: Is it?
[23:42] oO EnT: Not a problem at all
[23:43] oO EnT: And around when I can received the info?
[23:43] Carder 2012: Send $550 LR U9419943 - Memo username
[23:43] Carder 2012: what is time in your watch
[23:43] oO EnT: 11.43Pm
[23:44] Carder 2012: 5:00 am to 5:30 AM Tommorow
[23:44] Carder 2012: you,ll get stuff here or in your email
[23:44] Carder 2012: Your time 5:00 -5:30 AM
[23:45] oO EnT: So 5-6hours
[23:45] Carder 2012: nah,,, Its after 28-29 hours
[23:45] Carder 2012: My flight will be later tonight
[23:45] Carder 2012: Here 1:00 PM
[23:46] oO EnT: Kk so it the day after tmr~
[23:46] Carder 2012: Yes... as i told you i am out of city here come to attend a function
[23:46] Carder 2012: lol
[23:47] oO EnT: Ok, just want to make sure, can you send me your Icq using Pm through forum?
[23:48] Carder 2012: ok
[23:48] Carder 2012: your username on
[23:48] oO EnT: Cornka
[23:48] Carder 2012: 15 seconds
[23:49] oO EnT: K
[23:50] Carder 2012: sent
[23:50] Carder 2012: I also copied our chat & sent in PM to make sure Its me
[23:50] oO EnT: Cool
[23:50] Carder 2012: you got it?
[23:51] oO EnT: Login in

[23:51] Carder 2012: hmmm
[23:51] Carder 2012: Well Here is LR: U9419943 Send 50 % ( $550 ) Memo: your user name : Purpose other
[23:51] Carder 2012: And send me batch info to confirmation
[23:52] Carder 2012: Rest of payment will be charge when your order will be ready to send via email or on ICQ
[23:53] oO EnT: Got it will send in 5 mins
[23:53] Carder 2012: OK. BRB. going for smooke
[23:53] oO EnT: K
[23:53] Carder 2012: Just paste here Batch info
[23:53] Carder 2012: Will take in few minutes

[0:00] Carder 2012: back
[0:02] Carder 2012: batch Info? because i can,t login in lr from this location
[0:02] Carder 2012: just send Batch info & details
[0:02] oO EnT: 1 min
[0:05] oO EnT:
[0:05] Carder 2012: OK cool
[0:05] oO EnT: Batch: 124366929
[0:06] Carder 2012: Thanks & I will get back to you ASAP when i reach in home
[0:06] Carder 2012: Ist i,ll arrange your order & Buzz you then we can finish this as we started
[0:06] Carder 2012: 20 Bin Common whealth & 5 George Bank Soth Aus
[0:06] Carder 2012: OK total 25 PCS
[0:07] oO EnT: Cool
[0:07] oO EnT: You in AU?
[0:07] Carder 2012: Nope
[0:07] Carder 2012: lol
[0:07] Carder 2012: I am in not AUS i am in North America.:)
[0:08] oO EnT: Seems you know a lot about AU bins lol
[0:08] Carder 2012: Man i am in business from last 7 Years
[0:08] Carder 2012: not short period
[0:08] oO EnT: Any way, wait till you got home
[0:08] Carder 2012: even 5 years you can complete Medical Doctor course hahhahhha
[0:08] oO EnT: Then we can finished the order~
[0:09] Carder 2012: OK. thanks I will buzz you when i,ll be there
[0:09] oO EnT: Lol true
[0:09] Carder 2012: takecare & if you have any Question send me PM or message Here
[0:09] Carder 2012: I,ll respond you asap
[0:09] Carder 2012: bye( will talk soon )
[0:11] oO EnT: C ya
[6:09] Carder 2012: Friendly update to make sure, I m here Just wait 22-24 Hours , Then your stuff will be in your hand
[23:11] Carder 2012: Hi
[23:11] Carder 2012: please send me your email id

[1:28] Carder 2012: If you are there, Please Confirm me if you could come online in next 5-6 Hours
[1:28] Carder 2012: then it,s OK no worries.. otherwise make payment of $550 & I,ll push stuff in your email after getting back to home
[1:28] Carder 2012: Thanks
[1:30] Carder 2012: Here is Payment details: U9419943 Amount to be sent : $550 Purpose: hosting & your user name
[1:30] Carder 2012: And confirm me Batch info please
[1:30] Carder 2012: Awaiting reply
[1:30] oO EnT: There a bit problem about exchanging
[1:31] oO EnT: Can we wait till afternoon?
[1:31] Carder 2012: Sure Sure
[1:31] Carder 2012: No RUSH brother
[1:31] Carder 2012: I am with you, Anytime ping me
[1:31] Carder 2012: OR if I offline- Make payment & send me Batch info & your email
[1:32] Carder 2012: upon confirmation I,ll Send Email
[1:32] oO EnT: Thx, cool then, as long as I got exchanged, I will send LR straight to you acc
[1:32] Carder 2012: Expected time?
[1:33] Carder 2012: I mean how long will you complete exchange?
[1:33] oO EnT: Between tmr 2pm to 4pm
[1:33] Carder 2012: now your time is?
[1:33] oO EnT: You will receive the fund
[1:33] oO EnT: 1.33am
[1:33] Carder 2012: almost 12-14 Hours
[1:33] Carder 2012: OK cool
[1:33] oO EnT: Correct
[1:34] Carder 2012: OK. I have to pack my Stuff & will take flight right in 3 hours
[1:34] Carder 2012: Takecare & best of Luck, I am really missing carding, here can,t Do anything in house of friend living
[1:34] Carder 2012: lol
[1:34] oO EnT: Ok all good~ I like your life
[1:35] oO EnT: Kk ttyl , good luck too~
[11:17] Carder 2012: Hay you there
[11:17] Carder 2012: Still i am at airport. flight is delay due to heavy Snow. Will take off in 90 Minutes..... and In 3-4 Hours i,ll reach back in home
[12:21] Carder 2012: flight announced!!!! flight is taking off in 5-10 minutes
[12:22] Carder 2012: I,ll keep you updated. Ipad is in my hand.
[12:22] Carder 2012: Bye
[14:02] Carder 2012: :-D Finally landed
[14:02] Carder 2012: will be back in seat in 90 minutes or less
[14:02] Carder 2012: Get ready Bro
[15:11] Carder 2012: I am back
[15:12] Carder 2012: Are you there Bro
[15:12] Carder 2012: HELLLLLLLLLLLLLO?
[15:19] Carder 2012: what happend bro?
[15:19] Carder 2012: have your exchanged complete or NOT
[15:20] Carder 2012: I need to deliver you Stuff before going to sleep for 6-8 hours
[15:20] Carder 2012: please get back to me asap
[15:47] Carder 2012: HI......................IMPORTANT MESSAGE FOR YOU

LR DETAILS: U9419943 AMOUNT TO BE SENT: $550 Memo: hosting + your username PURPOSE :OTHER


[15:53] Carder 2012: Your order is READY

((((20 PCS of 552350))))) + (((((((5 PCS of 543793))))))
[16:10] oO EnT: hi
[16:10] oO EnT: i need to say sorry again
[16:11] oO EnT: I am still waitin for the exchange people to send me LR
[16:11] oO EnT: But should be soon
[17:12] Carder 2012: kk, i am sleeping
[17:12] Carder 2012: do it asap, when i wake will send order ready and in draft
[17:13] Carder 2012: 1 click away
[23:07] Carder 2012: I am back
[23:09] Carder 2012: there?

[1:16] Carder 2012: Is there any problem?
[1:16] Carder 2012: I am not getting answers from your side?
[1:30] Carder 2012: Hello
[1:30] Carder 2012: buddy reply me now please
[1:30] Carder 2012: to finish that deal
[1:33] oO EnT: Cool
[1:34] oO EnT: I swear the God I will send to you before you wake up
[1:34] Carder 2012: i woke Up few minutes back
[1:35] Carder 2012: still exchange problem?
[1:39] oO EnT: Yeah, I send the money yesterday, but for some unknown reason, the exchanger couldn't pick it up,
[1:39] oO EnT: So I have to resend it today again... Zz
[1:40] Carder 2012: well your time 6-8 PM ... i,ll wait till 6-8 PM your time.
[1:40] oO EnT: Anyway, you don't have to worry I play you around
[1:40] Carder 2012: try to finish this, because i need to move for further pending matters
[1:40] oO EnT: I understand bro,
[1:41] oO EnT: But this is really an accident...
[1:41] Carder 2012: ohh, OK no worries . we are still good
[1:41] Carder 2012: sometime it happened in life
[1:41] Carder 2012: so i am ok
[1:41] oO EnT: I won't come to you if I don't have the money, can you understand me?
[1:41] Carder 2012: kk,
[1:42] Carder 2012: I agreed with you brother
[1:42] Carder 2012: do not worry
[1:42] Carder 2012: but tell me expected time when you,ll get LR ready
[1:42] Carder 2012: i,ll try my best to catch you then to finish deal
[1:44] oO EnT: What should I say, I will ask the something if I was you, but bro, this is really not holding on my hand...
[1:44] oO EnT: If you could accept WU
[1:44] oO EnT: I can send you in 20min
[1:45] Carder 2012: WU accpted. But i cannot confirm your payment for next 12 HOURS
[1:45] Carder 2012: here time 9:00 pm. so if you can send WU its really good.
[1:45] Carder 2012: And after confirmation from bankers, we could finish this deal
[1:45] Carder 2012: its up to you
[1:46] oO EnT: So I can send it before 9am your time ? Right?
[1:46] Carder 2012: YES
[1:46] oO EnT: You can't pick it up at night?
[1:46] Carder 2012: you have 5-7 hours time toi send by WU
[1:46] oO EnT: My time is 1.46am
[1:46] oO EnT: I can still send~
[1:46] Carder 2012: yes I can,t pickup neither i confirm with them
[1:47] Carder 2012: lol
[1:47] Carder 2012: you will send by cash or credit card
[1:47] oO EnT: No worries then~ I will either send you LR or WU 9am your time
[1:47] Carder 2012: Because I may ask you to send scan copy of recipet to confirm transaction is LEGIT
[1:47] oO EnT: How is this to you?
[1:47] oO EnT: No worries
[1:48] Carder 2012: if really LR problem. then i suggest you WU
[1:48] oO EnT: I understand WU can use some unlegit way
[1:48] Carder 2012: because if you go for LR- exchanger will charge you- time will be taken extra
[1:48] Carder 2012: you will send me LR
[1:48] Carder 2012: long process
[1:49] oO EnT: Cause I mean If I received LR before 9am your time then I wouldn't want to go out~
[1:49] Carder 2012: you are expecting lr before 9 am?
[1:49] oO EnT: Yeah
[1:49] Carder 2012: if you are able to get lr in next 12 Hours
[1:49] Carder 2012: Then LR ok
[1:50] Carder 2012: No problem either
[1:50] Carder 2012: i can wait for you
[1:50] oO EnT: That's what I'm tryin to say, you don't have to wait for me~ just say I ll catch ya 9am your time
[1:50] Carder 2012: kk
[1:51] oO EnT: And I will either have Batch for LR or a receipt for WU
[1:51] Carder 2012: thanks for your time- Now you should sleep. there too late
[1:51] oO EnT: Nah, I am the one should say sorry
[1:52] oO EnT: Anyway I ttyl 9am ;-)
[1:52] oO EnT: Good night
[1:52] Carder 2012: you too- Will catch you right after 12 HOURS
[1:52] Carder 2012: bye

Part 3 ( PC Chat History):
17/12/2012 23:11:12
(23:11:12) Carder 2012:
(23:11:19) Carder 2012:
please send me your email id
(23:16:10) oOEnT:
[email protected]
(23:18:00) Carder 2012:
OK. thanks I,ll leave from here in next 2-3 Hours
(23:18:19) Carder 2012:
and your stuff will be in your email with in 7 Hour to 7:30 HOUR
(23:18:20) Carder 2012:
(23:18:30) oOEnT:
(23:18:32) oOEnT:
(23:18:47) oOEnT:
you want me pay you now or after i receive?
(23:19:14) Carder 2012:
if you will be online after 7 Hours
(23:19:34) Carder 2012:
then no problem I,ll buzz you==> you make payment ==> i,ll send stuff in 5 minutes Time
(23:19:41) Carder 2012:
and if you will not be available
(23:19:56) Carder 2012:
Then please make payment ==> then i just go back and send email
(23:20:04) oOEnT:
(23:20:08) Carder 2012:
after sending email i,ll update you in ICQ also
(23:20:15) oOEnT:
(23:20:18) oOEnT:
got it
(23:21:44) Carder 2012:
so will you online or want me to send LR details?
(23:22:29) oOEnT:
i will send when you arrived

19/12/2012 13:16:59
(13:16:59) Carder 2012:
(13:17:52) Carder 2012:
have lr details?
(13:17:54) oOEnT:
Transfer Succeed Your transfer was successful! Thank you for choosing Liberty Reserve!Payment Mode Account Date 12/19/2012 02:17 Batch 124684128 From U2712912 (Ky E) To U9419943 (Hosting) Amount $550.00 Memo Cornka Payment Purpose Other
(13:18:09) Carder 2012:
let me check pls
(13:20:29) Carder 2012:
(13:20:44) Carder 2012:
send me your email Man
(13:21:16) oOEnT:
[email protected]
(13:21:27) Carder 2012:
Holf for few minutes
(13:21:32) Carder 2012:
25 PCz right
(13:21:43) oOEnT:
(13:31:12) Carder 2012:
(13:31:23) Carder 2012:
if i paste here all dumps. is ot ok
(13:31:29) oOEnT:
(13:31:31) oOEnT:
why not
(13:31:32) Carder 2012:
my email client error
(13:31:42) Carder 2012:
But you should take care with history
(13:31:47) Carder 2012:
because security tight
(13:31:50) Carder 2012:
icq history
(13:31:54) Carder 2012:
anyway pasting here
(13:32:06) oOEnT:
(13:33:02) Carder 2012:
(13:33:04) Carder 2012:
(13:33:19) Carder 2012:
your 3 days replacement time start,s with delivery
(13:33:24) Carder 2012:
25 PCS Australian Dumps
20 PCS-552350
05 PCS-543793
Replacement time 3 Days

(13:34:15) Carder 2012:
Save that please
(13:34:24) oOEnT:
(13:34:31) Carder 2012:
and between this if you need any support write me here.
(13:34:41) oOEnT:
this is not the right dumps
(13:35:03) Carder 2012:
what ?
(13:35:35) oOEnT:
Checked: 1 pcs (Charged off 10 credits)CC_numberAuth_codeAuth_resultAmountVoid5523500012344017=14072016401740173030[EB] CHECK DIGIT ERR 7.30-
(13:35:53) Carder 2012:
let me check again
(13:35:59) Carder 2012:
ans paste result here
(13:36:00) oOEnT:
552350 should have 37 digit
(13:36:59) Carder 2012:
If this is true, then it must be due to in error. I will double check each and everything.
(13:37:11) Carder 2012:
so please trust me , and dont panic
(13:37:15) oOEnT:

and these are expired
(13:37:18) Carder 2012:
my buddy pasted me list
(13:37:27) Carder 2012:
i am gonna check that all
(13:38:27) Carder 2012:
would you allow me 2-3 Hours
(13:38:41) Carder 2012:
if yes, you will get stuff for what you have paid
(13:38:46) oOEnT:
you dont have to check to know these are expired
(13:39:07) Carder 2012:
i mean ist i have to ask my buddy.
(13:39:16) Carder 2012:
why this stupidity & neglence
(13:40:43) oOEnT:
these to me, doesn't felt like real dumps
(13:40:57) Carder 2012:
Now i agree with you.
(13:41:06) Carder 2012:
just stay with me couple of hours
(13:41:16) Carder 2012:
and let see- i,ll not disappoint you
(13:41:56) Carder 2012:
whats time in your watch?
(13:42:22) oOEnT:
(13:42:30) Carder 2012:
max till 4 pm
(13:42:32) Carder 2012:
(13:43:05) oOEnT:

4. And i have all the proof for this matter,
One more thing i really don't understand,
Why send 13 expired dumps out of 25 total when you being a Ripper...
better not send would be more understandable!
Total Amount Ripped: $1100 LR



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