I was having a conversation with one the other day because they said they are giving free skimmers to install on atms and during the conversation a bunch of red flags went off that screamed LE.

Here is the conversation:

4/23/2010 8:24 PM
daGdawg4/23/2010 8:25 PM
daGdawg4/23/2010 8:25 PM
What's up
1231231234/23/2010 8:26 PM
How did you get my icq?
daGdawg4/23/2010 8:26 PM
I don't know? Maybe you added me or I added you from
1231231234/23/2010 8:27 PM
What is your username on
daGdawg4/23/2010 8:27 PM
daGdawg4/23/2010 8:27 PM
Didn't you post something about skimmers
daGdawg4/23/2010 8:27 PM
or am I thinking about someone else
1231231234/23/2010 8:29 PM
daGdawg4/23/2010 8:29 PM
yes that's the one
1231231234/23/2010 8:29 PM
Indeed, do you have picture of machine?
daGdawg4/23/2010 8:32 PM
daGdawg4/23/2010 8:32 PM
exact same model
1231231234/23/2010 8:34 PM
This is not a problem.
daGdawg4/23/2010 8:35 PM
That's good to hear
daGdawg4/23/2010 8:35 PM
I have a good location as well
1231231234/23/2010 8:36 PM
Where are you located?
daGdawg4/23/2010 8:36 PM
1231231234/23/2010 8:36 PM
How old are you?
daGdawg4/23/2010 8:36 PM
Why is this important
1231231234/23/2010 8:37 PM
I need to determine if you are old enough for passport.
daGdawg4/23/2010 8:38 PM
I'm somewhere in my 20's
1231231234/23/2010 8:38 PM
Do you have a passport?
daGdawg4/23/2010 8:38 PM
1231231234/23/2010 8:38 PM
Send photocopy.
daGdawg4/23/2010 8:39 PM
What does a skimmer have to do with a passport
daGdawg4/23/2010 8:39 PM
You could be LE for all I know and I would be sending you a passport of myself to display in their offices
1231231234/23/2010 8:41 PM
I need to know Im not selling to a cop or a snitch. I need to verify your identity. Lol I understand what you are saying. I have diletta passport printer, not many cops will tell you this. Besides if I was a cop, which I am not, there is nothing one could due to you for sending picture of passport.
daGdawg4/23/2010 8:43 PM
If you were a cop, you send the skimmer, I pick it up, there is gps in the skimmer, you arrest me, have proof I bought it from you because you have my passport and proof you sent it to me
daGdawg4/23/2010 8:43 PM
Also, passport scan is good for opening bank drops ;)
daGdawg4/23/2010 8:43 PM
So where exactly are you located
1231231234/23/2010 8:45 PM
Okay I see what you are saying. Except having a reader, pinpad, etc is not illegal to own if it has not yet been used in a crime. I am based out of Detroit, MI I just cross the river.
daGdawg4/23/2010 8:46 PM
it's not illegal, but then again you have records of this conversation and will have my passport scan which is enough for conspiracy to commit fraud
1231231234/23/2010 8:48 PM
Indeed you are smart, but conspiracy is something they will never waste their time with. They are of interest in putting you away for much longer and getting to keep your equiptment, besides any lawyer can get you off of conspiracy and get your stuff back.
daGdawg4/23/2010 8:51 PM
I understand but you know in our line of work it's best to keep your face hidden. I don't know you from the guy down the street, I'm not going to plaster my face to someone I don't know especially someone claiming to be farming out free skimmers. Even if I was a cop, how would sending you a passport tell you that I'm not a cop
daGdawg4/23/2010 8:51 PM
That's what I'm trying to say
daGdawg4/23/2010 8:51 PM
no disrespect bro, but this is just fishy that's all
1231231234/23/2010 8:55 PM
I then do a background check to verify your identity. I then send test package to your drop which contains gps transmitter and a camera. The camera sees you and you send package back. I then send real package and we are in business. This is only for security sake incase you happen to be caught when changing batteries on the reader and try to dime me out, or if you decide to accidently tell a friend about this opportunity and he turns out telling a cop, etc etc. My reader bezels are molded from plastic explosives, they have a tilt sensor and a gps transmitter each. I dont think and cop would tell you this.
1231231234/23/2010 8:59 PM
any* Dont worry, there is no harm to you. I turn on tilt sensor after it is glued.
1231231234/23/2010 9:01 PM
If I have turned you away from interent, this is okay. Regards
1231231234/23/2010 9:01 PM
daGdawg4/23/2010 9:04 PM
I don't know. I'm ok with everything but sending my passport scan to you is a no go..I don't think anyone will do this unless they are new to the game. Also, conducting a background check is weird bro, not a lot of people have those kind of powers if you catch my drift
daGdawg4/23/2010 9:04 PM
The fact that you posted the message on a website is what sets of flags
daGdawg4/23/2010 9:05 PM
If you are ever caught you woudl have all of my information to snitch me out
daGdawg4/23/2010 9:06 PM
So, unless we can bypass the passport scan you are asking for I don't think I can carry through with this, I am sorry
1231231234/23/2010 9:06 PM
This I understand, I have just had some problem in the future with snitches. They think that I will not kill them and skin their children alive. I never keep information where I live. Take care then, Regards.
daGdawg4/23/2010 9:07 PM
Good luck, bro.


<div class="smallfont",<span style="color:green">V
wow mate i speaked myself whit him and i just sayed Good luck after he asked so fast for my passport. I don't know if he is really
a cop but i decided its not safe at all sending random people specially in this business passport or ANY clue that may get back to you. The strange
thing is that since 2-3 days people appear and just say contact me i send skimmer for free and we do business. So i don't know but it's not a smart
thing to go ahead for this guys. Cheers
Последнее редактирование:
Yeah that's what I've been noticing too there's been a large number of these people saying they will send you a free skimmer and the thing is it's happen so soon to when CW got shut down by feds.



Проверенный продавец
just google some picture lol
send it to him. i would play with him lol
You don`t play with LE,you simple play dumb and run.Anyone who enters chats like this,act stupid and get the fuck out,change your icq and stay quiet for a time.
What you think u ignored him now your icq batch won`t be traced?
Think and cut the "Braveheart" scenario!


Wow, just wow. All I gotta say if I was a cop I would be a crooked cop indeed and just pull people over for normal violation, speeding, drunk, etc. Ask them to step out of vehicle, and arrest them placing everything from pockets on the hood. Sit them in the back of their car cuffed, and take their wallet back to the car to "run their id" whereas I just copy all credit cards, license, and anything else they have. Make fake id, head to bank and with ssn take out loan for 30k then clean out all cards and while I am at it, rent a lambo and be out that bitch.

Ofcourse I would say after running their info, uncuff them and letem go with a warning lol.

Lol guess my rep is kinda fucked here anyway, only got 2 people from this forum who are down and making money. Nevertheless, I recently heard of a better opportunity that I am now looking into called botnets.

Best of luck, Regards.


Dude, ya better shut down that UIN of yours.

That convo sure smells real bad! wouldn't touch that offer with a 10 foot pole.


Dude, ya better shut down that UIN of yours.

That convo sure smells real bad! wouldn't touch that offer with a 10 foot pole.

Indeed, also note livethebeat any real businessman will be hesitant in doing business with a snitch regardless if you think I am a cop or not. Although I am sure you will not mention your account name to new clients.


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