

Banjo написал(а):
DimitriIvanovic написал(а):
Banjo написал(а):
DimitriIvanovic написал(а):
Banjo написал(а):
I have no ICQ at he moment and have just seen your post. If you feel that you need to list me as a ripper that is up to you. I still dont have the funds to send. I notice you are still using the zeus we have so perhaps you can take my half off the bill. I havent been doing much as I am back at my real job for a bit and using a work computer so can log in here bu thats about it.
This is not true about haveing funds to send. When Nija said to you that you have 48h to refund you do it right away. So, please pay $125 what you need to give me in 2 days max or I will post you as a ripper. SOrry bro but seems to be 1 month from when you should gave the money. And about zeus stuff, your hosting was deleted during no-payment and what I'm doing now is my own stuff. So please, pay your debt to me in 2 days maxim. BTW: do not tell me you didn't was online since 30th May on ICQ. The guy who open the thread on scammers talk to you.

Now it's up to you!


I need your LR, I will put in 40LR today and will get the rest to you in the nex few days. I spoke to that other fella on the friday, since then I havent been on. If I had all the money I would pay you.

LR: U****198

And rest of the money ($85) till Saturday June 11th 2011.
Payment Mode Account
Date 06/08/2011 13:52
Batch 62880515
From U0237048 (Hammond1)
To U****198 (***)
Amount $40.00
Memo Payment from Kipper

Banjo написал(а):
DimitriIvanovic написал(а):
Banjo написал(а):
I have 35LR I will send you today. I will get the remaining 50LR to you on wednesday

Last Activity: Today 01:47 PM

You was online today, are you avoiding me?
I will get you some money today, wasnt available at all yesterday

DimitriIvanovic написал(а):
Banjo написал(а):
I have 35LR I will send you today. I will get the remaining 50LR to you on wednesday

Last Activity: Today 01:47 PM

You was online today, are you avoiding me?

12-06-2011, 02:18 AM
DimitriIvanovic написал(а):
Banjo написал(а):
I have 35LR I will send you today. I will get the remaining 50LR to you on wednesday

Okay. I'm waiting for the difference of 50USD on June 15th 2011 but no latter then that.
Thank you!

Until now June 22th 2011 I never received any money from him. He should paid on June 15th 2011 the rest of the money $50.

@Ninja solve that case please.

Thank you in advance,





12-06-2011, 02:18 AM

I agree that I owe this remaining 50LR. You forget very quickly that I gave you 300LR when you needed it to keep your business going but if you feel I need to be blacklistedover 50LR then so be it.

Until now June 22th 2011 I never received any money from him. He should paid on June 15th 2011 the rest of the money $50.

@Ninja solve that case please.

Thank you in advance,

I agree that I owe this remaining 50LR. You forget very quickly that I gave you 300LR when you needed it to keep your business going but if you feel I need to be blacklistedover 50LR then so be it.
Today, 01:51 PM
Banjo написал(а):
DimitriIvanovic написал(а):
Check yourself in blacklist.
You very quiuckly forget the 300 i gave you. I know you gave me the zeus but when you needed the funds i gave to you. Short memory for you

As you said I give you stuff for that money in the past. Btw, the money wasn't a gift. Now you have to pay the rest of the money of the work you put me to do. I'e did stuff for you without paying me, I'm not working for free. So, please complet your part and give me my money for my work. Logs talk not my angry.


Today, 06:32 PM
DimitriIvanovic написал(а):
Banjo написал(а):
DimitriIvanovic написал(а):
Banjo написал(а):
DimitriIvanovic написал(а):
Banjo написал(а):
DimitriIvanovic написал(а):
Check yourself in blacklist.
You very quiuckly forget the 300 i gave you. I know you gave me the zeus but when you needed the funds i gave to you. Short memory for you
You should pay the last 50 not to cry like a child. These money are mine, isn't a gift again.

I aint crying, im just saying that when you needed money i gave it to you. You forget this.
No matter
Are you gonna pay or not? (TODAY)

I will pay when I am ready, you have put me in black list so you will now have to wait. Iamsure ninja will give me 48 hours to resolve. I would have paid if you didnt put me in blacklist

Mr!!!! You should paid me on June 15th 2011 and on June 17th 2011 you sent a message and said you will pay "today" till now NO MORE MESSAGES from you.

It's UP to you now!
Последнее редактирование:
Why do people's attitude changes when they are blacklisted.
"Oh now you put me in blacklist, now u must wait, if u didnt put me in blacklist I would have paid u"
Why do people's attitude changes when they are blacklisted.
"Oh now you put me in blacklist, now u must wait, if u didnt put me in blacklist I would have paid u"

Its because he is being a dick. We were doing zeus together, i gave him 300LR when he needed. I asked him to do about an hours work for 125LR, I ran out of cash but still paid him 75 of it. I dont belive its warranted for me to be in blacklist, so he can now wait until I must do it.
He will get his money


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