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2. ripped me for 25 lr
3. I sent him several messages warning him and explaining that i need money back, since too much time have passed from the moment we agreed to do the transfer but he doesn't reply.
4. Here is the long from our conversation when i transfer him 25 lr

11:23:00 AM) 648544722: if you are going to do something , please let me know first so that i can be ready....
(11:29:41 AM) 637867160: ok, trying to sort. the man doing the trasnfer isnt on yet.
(12:41:56 PM) 637867160: i hink it might be ready to go. what do you need to do to get the money into escrow with ninja?
(12:48:15 PM) 637867160: he is out of lloyds, so itwont be today. I gotta goout for abit bu we will chat later. I can get hsbc and try it but we gotta buy outright
(12:49:55 PM) 648544722: so should I talk to ninja ? when do you think you will be able to do the transfer ?
(2:06:55 PM) 637867160: just ask him what needs to be done to get it organsied, My man says he will allow him to be used. I just gota find anaccount that is suiable, you donthave halifax or natwest do you?
(2:08:30 PM) 648544722: no i don't
(2:08:36 PM) 648544722: only hscbc and lloyds
(2:09:30 PM) 637867160: ok, there is not many doing lloyds, they cash hem selves, but at least i have sorted it out. I can do hsbc but probably only 500 a time. I can buy those for like $50 but it needs to be paid upfront.
(2:11:36 PM) 648544722: 500 at a time.... and how many transfers total you can do ?
(2:12:31 PM) 637867160: the aim would be too do one, cash out,do anoher etc, maybe 3 or 4. ifyou are doing same bank hey stop them quicker, if it is anotehr bank they can only stop sending money to an account.
(2:14:17 PM) 648544722: ok we can try that
(2:15:46 PM) 637867160: i think you need totry and work on around £2000 per drop before it is shut. There is not massive money to be made anymore. its obviusoyl still better than nothing but becasue they are expensive to buy and some dont work the profitmargins are lowert hen they should be really.
(2:16:48 PM) 648544722: like you said it's better than nothin...
(2:17:09 PM) 637867160: yeah, its easier chip dumping though.
(2:18:26 PM) 648544722: so when are you going to do that transfer ?
(2:19:15 PM) 637867160: i needto get the hsbc. once i have it i will change the contact phone number, i dont know if i will beat the deadline today.
(2:19:49 PM) 648544722: ok and to what account you will make transfer to lloyds or hsbc ?
(2:20:35 PM) 637867160: hsbc to hsbc. Lloyds will work as well but i does using faster paymens,which takes 3 hours. I did one today that I am waiting for where I changed the phone number, if that goes hrough I can just get some more natwest as well.
(2:21:57 PM) 648544722: so tomorrow you will be ready to make transfer ?
(2:22:17 PM) 637867160: i hope so, i need to make sure everything is right so no one loses any money.
(2:24:26 PM) 648544722: and can you make more than 1 transfer pre day ?
(2:24:56 PM) 637867160: yeah. with hsbc it should be instant so once you have cashed out we do another one.
(2:25:19 PM) 648544722: ok that sounds fine...and what is oyur cut ?
(2:25:55 PM) 637867160: you take 50% and i will sort the rest out on my side. If you are willing to pay the $50 upfront then you can have 70%,
(2:26:16 PM) 637867160: i have no risk at all then, so dont mind if i dont get as much.
(2:26:56 PM) 648544722: i can pay 25 upfront and then 60/40 ?
(2:27:12 PM) 637867160: yeah ok. thats sounds fine
(2:28:08 PM) 648544722: i can send you 25 lr right now...
(2:28:20 PM) 637867160: ok, u0237048
(2:33:29 PM) 648544722: Payment Mode Account Date 05/12/2011 15:34 Batch 61069806 From U6921797 (andrelli) To U0237048 (Hammond1)
(2:33:55 PM) 637867160: ok good one, i will buy one form my man, he isnt on at the minute but should nt be away for long.
(2:34:04 PM) 648544722: ok
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