Attention carders beware of new member infantry. Foolishly I paid him $400 to get mmn for me. Based on his thread I thought he might be able to get them. Iniatially I sent him $125...then he acted as if there
were an issue with is partner where I had to send more. After I sent the
money he stopped responding of course. It was a pretty petty
amount of cash but I need the names really bad so I took the risk. My thing here is just to warn fellow carders to beware of him and to get this ripper banned! Anyway here are logs. Admin please ban him! Anyone who can really get me please :D

(7:42:15 PM) Alpha Infantry: Are you still interested in the offer you posted?
(7:42:29 PM) 614005432: yes
(7:42:43 PM) 614005432: im looking for someone who can pull maiden names each week
(7:43:02 PM) Alpha Infantry: Between the 3 of them, they can get you all you need.
(7:43:36 PM) Alpha Infantry: I told them you paid 25$ ea *So I can keep some profit*, I also get 15% to launder it for them
(7:43:52 PM) 614005432: ok..thats fine
(7:44:40 PM) Alpha Infantry: What method of payment are you willing to do?
(7:45:03 PM) 614005432: you choose..which payment you want
(7:45:15 PM) Alpha Infantry: Preforably some sort of wire transfer? If you understand my issue I deffinatly dont accept paypal.
(7:45:33 PM) Alpha Infantry: unless you are willing to let me hold the money before transaction.
(7:45:38 PM) Alpha Infantry: So I know funds dont bounce.
(7:45:51 PM) 614005432: wu?
(7:46:00 PM) Alpha Infantry: Sounds great to me.
(7:46:12 PM) 614005432: so 50 per name..when can we start
(7:46:25 PM) Alpha Infantry: When is best for you?
(7:46:44 PM) Alpha Infantry: I already talked to my buddys in the SSO a little bit. I could give them a call when your ready.
(7:46:54 PM) 614005432: i have 5 test names
(7:47:02 PM) 614005432: to see if u can really get them
(7:47:08 PM) Alpha Infantry: Alright.j
(7:47:16 PM) Alpha Infantry: Are you willing to pay 50$ ea?
(7:47:45 PM) Alpha Infantry: Or are these just to test out my service?
(7:48:05 PM) 614005432: 5 test names..thereafter i will pay for those
(7:48:22 PM) 614005432: i would want it to be consistent..each week
(7:48:28 PM) 614005432: can you deliver that
(7:48:31 PM) Alpha Infantry: I can ask, but they told me they wont do anything without anything upfront.
(7:48:41 PM) Alpha Infantry: I can deliver each week if you are willing to work with me.
(7:49:23 PM) Alpha Infantry: They wanted 25$ each, so I can just cut it out of my profit the first time.
(7:49:30 PM) Alpha Infantry: Only if you are willing to send the WU first.
(7:49:38 PM) 614005432: ok thats fine
(7:50:22 PM) Alpha Infantry: If you are unconfterable with 5 accounts you can do 4 *total of 100$* 100$ is my WU minimum.
(7:50:44 PM) 614005432: but your link can get the names for sure?
(7:50:55 PM) 614005432: ive had people
(7:50:57 PM) 614005432: say that they can
(7:50:59 PM) Alpha Infantry: Yes.
(7:51:03 PM) 614005432: but really cant
(7:51:07 PM) Alpha Infantry: I have had them do this for me manytimes
(7:51:10 PM) 614005432: thats what the testers are for
(7:51:19 PM) 614005432: if i need 50 names
(7:51:24 PM) 614005432: u can get it
(7:51:40 PM) Alpha Infantry: If you need 50 names now, it will have to wait till tomarrow.
(7:51:43 PM) Alpha Infantry: but yes I can get it
(7:51:45 PM) Alpha Infantry: oh not tomarrow
(7:51:48 PM) Alpha Infantry: next buisness day.
(7:52:04 PM) Alpha Infantry: I think they have 20 pulled out for me already.
(7:52:28 PM) 614005432: ive been waiting for u 2 contact me for a there another way i can reach u? do you have a bb?
(7:52:55 PM) Alpha Infantry: When it comes to buisness I only use ICQ, sorry
(7:53:28 PM) 614005432: ok thats fine
(7:53:50 PM) 614005432: what all
(7:53:52 PM) 614005432: is needed
(7:53:57 PM) 614005432: for them 2 get the names
(7:54:42 PM) Alpha Infantry: Alright.
(7:54:48 PM) 614005432: ?
(7:55:20 PM) Alpha Infantry: Might I ask what you do with the info? Or is it personal?
(7:55:36 PM) 614005432: i give it to a guy..sell it
(7:55:51 PM) Alpha Infantry: Nice.
(7:55:58 PM) 614005432: i sell cvv too to local people
(7:56:06 PM) Alpha Infantry: Have you sent money via WU before?
(7:56:12 PM) 614005432: yes all the time
(7:56:17 PM) 614005432: are u new to this stuff?
(7:56:18 PM) Alpha Infantry: good
(7:56:22 PM) Alpha Infantry: Not at all.
(7:56:52 PM) 614005432: one sec
(7:56:56 PM) 614005432: i have some test
(7:58:45 PM) 614005432:

(8:00:05 PM) Alpha Infantry: 5 names = 125$ *first time only*
(8:00:08 PM) Alpha Infantry: is that ok with you?
(8:00:33 PM) 614005432: ok
(8:00:37 PM) 614005432: how often
(8:00:40 PM) 614005432: will u be online?
(8:00:44 PM) 614005432: i just really
(8:00:50 PM) 614005432: want this to be a consistent theingg
(8:00:52 PM) 614005432: thing
(8:00:53 PM) Alpha Infantry: I will try to be on as much as possible.
(8:01:08 PM) Alpha Infantry: Once we have made a few succsesfull transactions I will give you my number.
(8:01:52 PM) Alpha Infantry: I just need to make sure your not fuzz or anything.
(8:02:08 PM) 614005432: ok..thats fine
(8:02:18 PM) Alpha Infantry: I am risking peoples job over 125$ so I just need to be cautious.
(8:02:32 PM) 614005432: yea
(8:02:36 PM) 614005432: i completely understand
(8:02:42 PM) 614005432: so u want 125 for these names
(8:02:44 PM) 614005432: and u can get them
(8:02:47 PM) 614005432: on monday
(8:02:51 PM) Alpha Infantry: Alright.
(8:03:26 PM) Alpha Infantry: I will let them know the names and I will most likely have the info on monday.
(8:03:43 PM) Alpha Infantry: Do you have a WU account, or are you going to be sending via an actual store?
(8:04:12 PM) 614005432: actual store..i dnt have a wu account
(8:05:43 PM) Alpha Infantry: I apologize for needing the money up front, they give me no choice. I need to know that you can actually follow through on a payment before they risk their jobs.
(8:05:54 PM) 614005432: i can send that tomorrow
(8:06:02 PM) 614005432: thats definitely no issue
(8:06:08 PM) 614005432: just want to be sure
(8:06:11 PM) 614005432: u can get them
(8:06:25 PM) Alpha Infantry: You would be surprised how many people say they want to do this regularly, then they ask for 100$ test, they say they pay afterwards, then they disapear.
(8:06:39 PM) Alpha Infantry: I am on the phone with one of my buddys now. I should have the info within an hour.
(8:06:57 PM) 614005432: how can u have the info in an hour?? lol isnt the office closed?
(8:07:08 PM) Alpha Infantry: They are... high up.
(8:07:13 PM) Alpha Infantry: Have checked out work computers.
(8:07:18 PM) 614005432: ohh wow
(8:07:26 PM) 614005432: can i send thru moneygram then
(8:07:28 PM) 614005432: wu is closed
(8:07:30 PM) 614005432: here
(8:07:39 PM) 614005432: i think walmarts moneygram
(8:07:40 PM) Alpha Infantry: Its dangerous for them to do it now, but its either now or monday.
(8:07:41 PM) 614005432: is stillopen
(8:07:44 PM) Alpha Infantry: Let me pull up moneygram
(8:08:14 PM) Alpha Infantry: Im sending this money directly to my budy for another service. I dont think moneygram will be an issue
(8:08:26 PM) 614005432: ok..let me call walmart
(8:08:27 PM) 614005432: to see
(8:08:32 PM) 614005432: if moneygram is still open
(8:08:38 PM) 614005432: im gonna go send 125
(8:09:56 PM) 614005432: a lot of people
(8:09:59 PM) 614005432: have asked u for this?
(8:10:23 PM) Alpha Infantry: Not to many people, but I used to get them to do this all the time for me and a few people.
(8:10:37 PM) Alpha Infantry: Let me verify moneygram is ok with my pal.
(8:10:41 PM) 614005432: ok
(8:14:27 PM) 614005432: now what happens if the names are incorrect? do i get my money back?
(8:14:29 PM) 614005432: also
(8:14:44 PM) 614005432: moneygram closes at 10 i can go run and send this
(8:14:51 PM) 614005432: once u confirm he has them
(8:14:56 PM) Alpha Infantry: Im sorry, moneygram is not an option.
(8:15:07 PM) 614005432: sigh..great..
(8:15:08 PM) Alpha Infantry: It is to far from my buddys place.
(8:15:20 PM) Alpha Infantry: Im sorry, is Western Union open on sundays for you?
(8:15:36 PM) 614005432: is..hold on..let me see if i can find a 24 hour 1..i doubt it
(8:16:14 PM) Alpha Infantry: If not, I can wait until tomarrow.
(8:16:40 PM) 614005432: i really really want to get them...ive been looking 2 get contact
(8:16:41 PM) 614005432: from u
(8:16:44 PM) 614005432: for a while
(8:16:48 PM) 614005432: once i saw ur post
(8:16:55 PM) 614005432: who knows when the next time will be lol
(8:17:00 PM) 614005432: so i want to get on it
(8:17:22 PM) 614005432: so i can have ur people pull the names for this week..if u can send the names 2nite..i will have more names waiting for u
(8:17:24 PM) 614005432: tomorrow
(8:17:40 PM) Alpha Infantry: I apologize. Will you be available tomarrow?
(8:17:47 PM) Alpha Infantry: WU is the only payment that I can accept.
(8:17:53 PM) Alpha Infantry: You dont have moneybookers or LR do you?
(8:17:54 PM) 614005432: im looking for a 24 hour wu
(8:18:03 PM) 614005432: i have lr..but not 125 on it right now
(8:18:12 PM) 614005432: let me see if i can find someone to let me borrow
(8:18:19 PM) 614005432: or even the 24 hour wu
(8:18:30 PM) Alpha Infantry: Hopefully there is a 24h WU
(8:18:55 PM) 614005432: im looking now one sec
(8:18:59 PM) Alpha Infantry: ty.
(8:23:32 PM) 614005432: ok
(8:23:33 PM) 614005432: found 1
(8:23:36 PM) 614005432: open til 10..
(8:23:38 PM) 614005432: im on my way
(8:23:50 PM) Alpha Infantry: Alright. You only need to know a name and location right?
(8:23:57 PM) 614005432: yea just asking lol
(8:24:15 PM) 614005432: i need to send u a replacement name to get
(8:24:17 PM) 614005432: hold 1 sec
(8:24:48 PM) Alpha Infantry: I will tell my guy to go ahead and get the info. I should have it within 5 minuts.
(8:25:03 PM) 614005432: sec tho..i have a different name
(8:25:05 PM) 614005432: i want to replace
(8:25:10 PM) Alpha Infantry: Ok thats fine.
(8:25:14 PM) Alpha Infantry: Take your time.
(8:26:02 PM) Alpha Infantry: I can get him to add the diffrent name for free, because he should already have all 5.
(8:26:23 PM) 614005432: ok thanks..hold looking for it now
(8:28:29 PM) 614005432: what all does he need to pull the names?
(8:28:42 PM) Alpha Infantry: Name and an address.
(8:28:45 PM) Alpha Infantry: or a SSN
(8:28:55 PM) 614005432: ok..heres the list i need him to pull for me
(8:29:43 PM) 614005432:
(8:29:46 PM) 614005432: these 5
(8:30:01 PM) Alpha Infantry: Alright. I will let him know.
(8:30:09 PM) 614005432: whats the name to send the $ to?
(8:30:10 PM) Alpha Infantry: My Westurn union info is the following...
(8:30:23 PM) Alpha Infantry: Name Jørgen Fredriksen
(8:30:24 PM) Alpha Infantry: Location : Western Union Bank Storgata 10, 1607 Fredrikstad
(8:30:57 PM) Alpha Infantry: He has a WU acc with the email [email protected]
(8:31:11 PM) Alpha Infantry: and If there is an issue you can call him at +47 41498584
(8:31:14 PM) 614005432: o wow..ive never sent money like that
(8:31:27 PM) Alpha Infantry: You shouldnt need the email
(8:31:47 PM) Alpha Infantry: You can just go into the store and send it to Jorgen Fredriksen in fredrikstad.
(8:31:57 PM) 614005432: shudnt he be in the usa...
(8:32:04 PM) Alpha Infantry: No, WU is world wide.
(8:32:09 PM) 614005432: i mean..whoever
(8:32:12 PM) 614005432: is pulling the names
(8:32:19 PM) 614005432: thats kind of weird
(8:32:21 PM) Alpha Infantry: Oh, thats not who is pulling the names
(8:32:27 PM) 614005432: i see
(8:32:43 PM) Alpha Infantry: He is doing a personal service for me, I owe him 100$ for this.
(8:32:52 PM) Alpha Infantry: You can send directly to him.
(8:32:58 PM) 614005432: gonna go send
(8:32:59 PM) Alpha Infantry: He can keep the extra 25
(8:33:17 PM) Alpha Infantry: Alright. Just wondering, about how long will it take?
(8:33:30 PM) 614005432: not about to leave out now
(8:33:38 PM) Alpha Infantry: Alright. Thanks, by.
(8:33:44 PM) 614005432: u will be here right??
(8:33:52 PM) Alpha Infantry: Yes.
(8:34:41 PM) 614005432: that i can get this confirmed
(8:34:46 PM) 614005432: im sending to that name
(8:34:57 PM) 614005432: Fredrikstad
(8:35:10 PM) 614005432: is the country right?
(8:35:18 PM) Alpha Infantry: His name is Jørgen Fredriksen and lives in Fredrikstad
(8:35:26 PM) 614005432: like i said..normally..i get a name and a city and state..or country
(8:35:36 PM) Alpha Infantry: oh he lives in Fredrikstad Norway
(8:35:37 PM) 614005432: i have to put western union bank and all of that
(8:35:54 PM) Alpha Infantry: No, just Fredirkstad Norway
(8:36:10 PM) Alpha Infantry: I dont know how WU's new account system works but he has one and his email is [email protected]
(8:36:16 PM) Alpha Infantry: *[email protected]
(8:36:36 PM) 614005432: if i jst send to the name...and in that country..i should be fine
(8:36:38 PM) 614005432: right
(8:36:38 PM) Alpha Infantry: If there is an issue sending, his number is +47 41498584
(8:36:46 PM) Alpha Infantry: Yes.
(8:37:06 PM) 614005432: and i give u
(8:37:12 PM) 614005432: the wu info before i send the names?
(8:37:18 PM) 614005432: You
(8:37:19 PM) 614005432: i meant
(8:37:22 PM) Alpha Infantry: Yes.
(8:37:33 PM) 614005432: ok..well im about to go send now
(8:37:37 PM) 614005432: il brb
(8:37:45 PM) Alpha Infantry: Ok, and if there is an issue with the service I can refund your money.
(8:37:50 PM) 614005432: dnt go anywhere! lol
(8:37:54 PM) Alpha Infantry: I wont.
(8:50:47 PM) Alpha Infantry: Everything going smoothly?
(8:54:26 PM) Alpha Infantry: Im going off for just a bit. If im not on when your back dont freak out, I shouldnt be offline very long.
(9:22:33 PM) 614005432: im here now
(9:23:39 PM) 614005432: i have the mtcn ready for u
(9:28:00 PM) Alpha Infantry: Hi
(9:28:13 PM) 614005432: hey is ur friend ready with the names?
(9:28:30 PM) Alpha Infantry: Yes, I just have to go to his apartment and pick them up
(9:28:47 PM) Alpha Infantry: Could I get the MTCN to verify?
(9:28:56 PM) 614005432: he cnt read them to you? i thought u said 5mins?
(9:29:13 PM) Alpha Infantry: He can read them to me, but I need to bring him some money for them.
(9:29:20 PM) Alpha Infantry: It wont take me long
(9:29:22 PM) 614005432: 175-214-7503
(9:29:43 PM) Alpha Infantry: I will verify payment and go get them.
(9:29:51 PM) Alpha Infantry: What is the first and last name you sent the money with?
(9:29:54 PM) 614005432: ok thanks..i hope this is really legit
(9:30:07 PM) 614005432: jessica turner
(9:30:13 PM) Alpha Infantry: Its legit
(9:30:32 PM) Alpha Infantry: Verifying payment now.
(9:30:49 PM) 614005432: ok..i guess nothing left to do but see what happens..if it is legit..i will be needing those names weekly
(9:30:52 PM) 614005432: and consistently
(9:32:04 PM) Alpha Infantry: Transaction is showing for him. He just needs to fill out a few things.
(9:32:09 PM) Alpha Infantry: I will leave in just a minut to get the info.
(9:32:21 PM) 614005432: ok
(9:33:37 PM) Alpha Infantry: And just to verify you sent 125?
(9:33:43 PM) 614005432: yes
(9:34:00 PM) Alpha Infantry: and just to double check, its in u
(9:34:03 PM) Alpha Infantry: USD?
(9:34:09 PM) 614005432: yes usd
(9:34:16 PM) Alpha Infantry: g
(9:34:18 PM) Alpha Infantry: Great
(9:34:23 PM) Alpha Infantry: Should be back with info soon.
(9:34:45 PM) Alpha Infantry: If anything happens and I am not on, I will get it to you as soon as possible.
(9:35:05 PM) 614005432: theres more $ where that came from..way more..just need the names
(9:35:14 PM) Alpha Infantry: I have a few things to do while im out, but shouldnt be to long, and I apologize for the wait.
(9:35:30 PM) 614005432: hmmm..ok..
(9:36:01 PM) Alpha Infantry: I will give you a file on them, which will include CC info, tax info, as well as names.
(9:36:34 PM) Alpha Infantry: + some other information.
(9:36:35 PM) 614005432: long do u think it will be
(9:36:41 PM) Alpha Infantry: Not long.
(9:36:48 PM) Alpha Infantry: shouldnt be more than 15 minuts.
(9:36:53 PM) 614005432: ok im here waiting
(9:36:58 PM) Alpha Infantry: unless im out of gass
(9:37:03 PM) Alpha Infantry: then maby up to 30
(9:37:12 PM) 614005432: ok..
(9:41:11 PM) Alpha Infantry: Hey
(9:41:22 PM) Alpha Infantry: I didnt leave yet, I was just reminded of one thing
(9:41:29 PM) Alpha Infantry: What City/State are you in?
(9:41:42 PM) 614005432: its sent from jackson, ms
(9:41:55 PM) Alpha Infantry: Thank you. I beleive it will be needed in the transaction.
(9:42:44 PM) 614005432: yea
(10:11:44 PM) Alpha Infantry: Are you there?
(10:11:53 PM) 614005432: yea
(10:12:11 PM) Alpha Infantry: I'm having some issues right now, I'm on my mobile.
(10:12:23 PM) Alpha Infantry: Will you he on tomarrow?
(10:12:24 PM) 614005432: ok..issues like wat
(10:12:45 PM) 614005432: i was hoping 2day 2 get them..thats why i hurried n sent it off lol
(10:12:56 PM) Alpha Infantry: Some mis-communication.
(10:13:24 PM) Alpha Infantry: I apologize, I will remember this next time we make a transaction.
(10:13:46 PM) 614005432: soo..he cant get them 2nite?
(10:14:29 PM) Alpha Infantry: I will see, he is a nervous person and if he doesn't come through I will get my other guy.
(10:14:50 PM) 614005432: wat was the miscommunication
(10:15:56 PM) Alpha Infantry: He knew he was getting test information but he is unsure about risking his job for 125$
(10:16:35 PM) Alpha Infantry: He is afraid it could be a setup and he wont see anymore money.
(10:17:00 PM) Alpha Infantry: Like the 1500 a week *his cut*
(10:17:04 PM) 614005432: set up?? i dnt even kno him..does he kno u..he thinks u are setting him up
(10:17:41 PM) Alpha Infantry: No, he just might think you are trying to set him up.
(10:18:24 PM) Alpha Infantry: Idol. He is a nervous guy. I will get you your info, and send the money back if you are not satisfied.
(10:18:45 PM) Alpha Infantry: *IDk* not idol
(10:19:02 PM) 614005432: hmm..i really hope u can get this info..its not just about the money
(10:19:06 PM) 614005432: kinda got my hopes up
(10:19:26 PM) Alpha Infantry: I apologize, I will follow.threw.
(10:20:40 PM) Alpha Infantry: How much info do you want? I can get you a lot more than what you asked. *included in the price*
(10:20:59 PM) 614005432: i really jst want the names..what other info can u get
(10:22:03 PM) Alpha Infantry: Credit card info, scans of birth certificate, license scan, bank information, family information.
(10:22:46 PM) Alpha Infantry: I will receive a file on them which will have a lot background information.
(10:22:59 PM) 614005432: im just want the names..and u sure any state
(10:23:02 PM) 614005432: u can get?
(10:23:28 PM) Alpha Infantry: Yes. USa only.
(10:24:10 PM) Alpha Infantry: Possibly Canadian if needed, I don't know my guy up in Canada to well tho.
(10:24:44 PM) 614005432: so..before i sent the money..u all didnt talk about this just curious about that lol
(10:25:56 PM) Alpha Infantry: I talked to one guy breifly. He said he would pull the files when I give him the name + addresses.
(10:27:28 PM) Alpha Infantry: 25$ each, I get files when I give him money. I have known him a while, ive gotten files so I know he is good, but he is concerned because he didn't know the files weren't for me.
(10:28:18 PM) Alpha Infantry: He is scared about low ammounts, he doesn't think there is any security.
(10:28:50 PM) Alpha Infantry: Anyways if he is scared I will go to another contact.
(10:29:11 PM) 614005432: there will be..i just need a little security on my end too ya kno..ive had ppl tell me they had it
(10:29:45 PM) Alpha Infantry: I understand. The Internet is 70% rippers.
(10:29:51 PM) 614005432: but only had access to stuff i didnt need..or gave me a list of ppl to choose from..that "might" be the last name lol
(10:30:00 PM) 614005432: mmn i mean
(10:30:24 PM) 614005432: so he flat out said no..
(10:31:06 PM) Alpha Infantry: Theism scared. He is a onerous person and said he isn't going to pull files for 125
(10:31:50 PM) Alpha Infantry: *He is scared + a nervous person*
(10:32:23 PM) Alpha Infantry: He might as well pull 100 files rather than 5.
(10:33:21 PM) Alpha Infantry: He is just scared that you will flake. If you get caught with full gov files, they can see he requested them.
(10:33:59 PM) 614005432: i just need the files needed
(10:34:18 PM) Alpha Infantry: I understand, names are on file.
(10:34:35 PM) 614005432: so..its a no for now
(10:34:55 PM) Alpha Infantry: He is just scared you could be police just waiting to see who searched the files.
(10:35:26 PM) 614005432: omg..
(10:36:02 PM) 614005432: in that case..u can just take the names out of the files..thats really all i need
(10:37:38 PM) Alpha Infantry: There are 3 options. 1) I send money + a little more for troubles, back to you. 2) You send a little more + more names for a larger first transaction 3) I wait to get in contact with my other SSO buddy's
(10:38:51 PM) 614005432: so wats the percent u think i will get the names..y does he have 2 kno they r from me?? :(
(10:39:00 PM) 614005432: i just really want the names
(10:39:58 PM) Alpha Infantry: I can get the names. I can only get from him if we are dealing with atleast 500$ at once.
(10:40:52 PM) 614005432: but u never told me this before hand..u just let me send $ lol where was all this before?
(10:40:54 PM) Alpha Infantry: If you chose that way I will for one time only charge 10$ per account.
(10:41:26 PM) Alpha Infantry: I apologize, he didn't know there was any 3rd party, or just 125$.
(10:41:42 PM) 614005432: ok...guess il wait for ur other guy
(10:42:31 PM) Alpha Infantry: Alright. I am really sorry for this. I will give you a great discount in future transactions.
(10:42:56 PM) 614005432: so when can expect them 2morrow?
(10:43:00 PM) 614005432: what time
(10:43:27 PM) Alpha Infantry: What time will you be on?
(10:44:23 PM) 614005432: im in i will be
(10:45:40 PM) Alpha Infantry: Its Sunday, so as soon as I get up, I will bring my laptop to one of my buddy's house and he can get the information and talk to you directly.
(10:46:06 PM) 614005432: ok great thanks
(10:46:49 PM) Alpha Infantry: Don't say anything about price. I will talk to him about that. Got to.go, so I will see you later.
(10:47:04 PM) 614005432: ok ttyl..looking forward to biz
(10:47:09 PM) 614005432: btw..what time will u be up
(10:47:37 PM) Alpha Infantry: Depends. Probably around noon at the earliest.
(10:47:55 PM) 614005432: be up
(10:48:08 PM) 614005432: so just let me kno
(1/29/2012 11:49:39 AM) 614005432: hey u there?
(12:01:41 PM) Alpha Infantry: are you there?
(12:01:50 PM) 614005432: yea im here
(12:02:35 PM) Alpha Infantry: I apologize for last night. How much money did it cost to send the 125?
(12:03:33 PM) 614005432: i think like 20 bucks..i forget..y u cant get the names :(
(12:04:11 PM) Alpha Infantry: I can, but thats a diffrent issue. My one guy flaked, he is a very nervous person. Im about to go meet up with my other guy, he can pull alll the files needed.
(12:04:34 PM) Alpha Infantry: If I had to refund you, would it be fair for me to send 200?
(12:05:18 PM) 614005432: it cost me 147..if u had to refund..thats all i would expect
(12:05:21 PM) 614005432: nothing more
(12:05:27 PM) 614005432: i really just want the names
(12:05:51 PM) Alpha Infantry: I have to take into account time spent. So let me talk to the guy, and so far we can say I owe you 200.
(12:05:51 PM) 614005432: if u can get the names..i want to do biz with u..
(12:06:12 PM) Alpha Infantry: Good, and hopefully in the future I wont have to string you along like this. Im really sorry.
(12:06:21 PM) 614005432: what percent do you think u will be able to get them from the other guy?
(12:06:25 PM) Alpha Infantry: I am going to his house in just a bit.
(12:06:37 PM) Alpha Infantry: He can get them, but I dont know what stipulations he might have.
(12:06:53 PM) Alpha Infantry: If he might have a minimum, or what, but Il get the information for you.
(12:07:21 PM) 614005432: ok
(12:07:43 PM) Alpha Infantry: Alright, il go now. Are you going to be on in about 10-15 minuts?
(12:07:53 PM) 614005432: waiting for u
(12:07:57 PM) Alpha Infantry: good.
(12:07:58 PM) Alpha Infantry: bye
(12:10:24 PM) 614005432: this other guy has work computers also where he can pull them right away
(12:39:03 PM) Alpha Infantry: Hi
(12:39:06 PM) Alpha Infantry: Are you available?
(12:39:15 PM) 614005432: here
(12:39:50 PM) Alpha Infantry: I am sitting here with a freind of mine at the SSO, and he is willing to pull files for you retreiving any information needed.
(12:40:11 PM) Alpha Infantry: The price is only 15$ per name.
(12:40:37 PM) Alpha Infantry: My freind doesnt want to do anything less than 500$ at a time.
(12:40:41 PM) Alpha Infantry: How many names do you have currently?
(12:41:01 PM) 614005432: i have these names now..i havent pulled any others to get so far..just these little testers
(12:41:52 PM) Alpha Infantry: His job at SSO is to investegate files, usually he pulls files at random to check, so pulling your files will not be a problem for him.
(12:42:16 PM) 614005432: ive been told sooo many times that people can get them..when they really if he can get me even these testers..i can confirm them and maybe even shoot out and send more money as like a credit
(12:42:53 PM) Alpha Infantry: He tells me he doesnt want to deal with anything under 500$.
(12:43:04 PM) 614005432: so..u have the those few names..i paid for just those..if he needs more go out and send more
(12:43:12 PM) Alpha Infantry: You could pull a few more names, send a little more cash; or I can send you 200$ back.
(12:43:21 PM) 614005432: ok so basically
(12:43:25 PM) 614005432: i need 2 send
(12:43:27 PM) 614005432: 400 more
(12:43:31 PM) Alpha Infantry: no
(12:43:40 PM) Alpha Infantry: im concidering your 125 as 200
(12:43:45 PM) Alpha Infantry: just because of the issue.
(12:43:51 PM) Alpha Infantry: Im taking that little bit out of my pay.
(12:44:09 PM) 614005432: if i send 300 more..he will pull those names..and i get a credit?
(12:44:11 PM) 614005432: because
(12:44:16 PM) Alpha Infantry: Yes.
(12:44:17 PM) 614005432: i only have those names i sent u so far
(12:44:25 PM) Alpha Infantry: If you dont have more names now it will be a credit.
(12:44:31 PM) Alpha Infantry: Which I can vouch he will honor.
(12:44:38 PM) 614005432: how quickly can he pull those names i already sent
(12:44:58 PM) Alpha Infantry: Once I go get him some money from my office.
(12:45:00 PM) 614005432: theres a wu right willing to send just ready to begin..because i want to start working this week with more names
(12:45:12 PM) Alpha Infantry: You send 5 names already right?
(12:45:41 PM) 614005432: yes..i sent 5..i have 3 more then..and the rest will be a credit for this week
(12:45:46 PM) Alpha Infantry: at 15$ ea, for 500$ you get 34.
(12:45:47 PM) Alpha Infantry: He will owe you 29 names afterwards correct?
(12:45:58 PM) Alpha Infantry: I am sorry I am having a bit of lag.
(12:46:15 PM) Alpha Infantry: So a total of 8 now and 26 credit?
(12:46:31 PM) 614005432: quickly can i get them after i send cash
(12:47:08 PM) Alpha Infantry: I will have to verify that my drop got the cash, then I will go to my office get some money and pay him. He will run as soon as im back and you will get the information right after.
(12:47:22 PM) 614005432: how long do u estimate that will be
(12:47:37 PM) Alpha Infantry: My office is 15-20 minuts away.
(12:47:46 PM) Alpha Infantry: *There and back*
(12:48:01 PM) Alpha Infantry: Maybe 5 minuts to make sure my guy has the transaction
(12:48:08 PM) Alpha Infantry: then a few more minuts to pull all the info
(12:48:15 PM) 614005432: going to send 300 more to u..same drop info?
(12:48:18 PM) Alpha Infantry: Within half an hour after your back.
(12:48:33 PM) Alpha Infantry: Let me contact my drop.
(12:48:39 PM) Alpha Infantry: I might give you a diffrent one.
(12:48:42 PM) Alpha Infantry: One minut,
(12:48:44 PM) 614005432: ok
(12:49:36 PM) Alpha Infantry: Yes, same drop information.
(12:49:42 PM) Alpha Infantry: Do you still have it, or would you like it again?
(12:49:48 PM) 614005432: ok..i still have it
(12:49:52 PM) Alpha Infantry: Great.
(12:49:53 PM) 614005432: im going to send this money now
(12:50:54 PM) Alpha Infantry: lag.
(12:50:58 PM) Alpha Infantry: Good, Im going to have a quick bite to eat, and once your back and I see the transaction I will go grab some cash from my office to pay the guy.
(12:52:07 PM) 614005432: so he can for sure for sure for sure get them lol
(12:52:12 PM) 614005432: 100%
(12:52:16 PM) Alpha Infantry: Yes, 100%
(12:52:40 PM) Alpha Infantry: He has been pulling files all day, he can pull the files you want as soon as he know the money is good.
(12:52:55 PM) 614005432: gonna send now
(1:20:37 PM) 614005432: u there?
(1:20:43 PM) Alpha Infantry: Yep
(1:21:11 PM) 614005432: 224-801-9312
jessica turner
jackson, ms
(1:21:14 PM) 614005432: $300
(1:21:15 PM) Alpha Infantry: Lag...
(1:21:23 PM) Alpha Infantry: alright, great.
(1:21:23 PM) Alpha Infantry: Did everything go smoothly?
(1:21:33 PM) Alpha Infantry: I will pass this along and make sure the ammount is correct.
(1:21:34 PM) 614005432: yea..just waiting for stuff on ur end now
(1:23:20 PM) Alpha Infantry: I see it is a transaction. I need my guy to verify the ammount, then I will go get some money to get you your information.
(1:23:29 PM) 614005432: ok
(1:28:48 PM) 614005432: how long til he can verify the amount
(1:28:54 PM) Alpha Infantry: Just verified.
(1:28:56 PM) Alpha Infantry: Thank you.
(1:28:57 PM) Alpha Infantry: going now.
(1:29:06 PM) 614005432: ok
(2:06:50 PM) 614005432: everything ok..
(2:25:28 PM) 614005432: ?
(2:59:47 PM) 614005432: hello?
(3:28:15 PM) 614005432: ok..if u ripped me..let me know..ive been waiting by this computer thinking u were coming right back
(3:28:29 PM) 614005432: i rather that..than just sitting starving
(1/30/2012 4:53:24 AM) 614005432: so u picked the money up finally...still nothing?
(4:55:59 AM) 614005432: starting the ripper thread on the forum

Ban this ripper! he just started on the forum is on a roll already..anybody who can offer these pm me please!
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