[b]Badger[/b] Ripper Amex GC Plastic Service


Ripper: Badger

I am starting this thread because it has been more than 1 month since Badger (http://carder.pro/member.php?u=55658) received payment for 20k order of Amex GC Plastic service. He has come online and promised delivery of order, has other member gangsterz make excuse for him, however no solution has come, no plastics or no refunds!!! He came online last on Feb 24 and commented on another thread then disappeared again! I am posting ICQ logs and I also have ticket logs from his pp****.cc for additional proof. This guy has a lot of peoples money! Hopefully he will resolve the situation or be banned for ripping so many.

141-*** 1/22/2013 12:43 PM

u ordering more today/

141-*** 1/22/2013 12:45 PM


Me 1/22/2013 12:45 PM

cant today

Me 1/26/2013 1:50 PM


Me 1/26/2013 1:51 PM

8k ready, going to send LR then make ticket with MG info

141-*** 1/26/2013 1:52 PM


Me 1/26/2013 2:08 PM

can I use 2 old drops for order???

141-*** 1/26/2013 2:08 PM

This is an autoreply: I am currently not available. Please leave your message, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

141-*** 1/26/2013 2:09 PM

ill have to check

Me 1/26/2013 2:09 PM


141-*** 1/26/2013 2:09 PM

send the payment info ill check on addresses in a few hrs

Me 1/26/2013 2:11 PM


141-*** 1/26/2013 2:19 PM


Me 2/7/2013 9:06 PM


141-*** 2/7/2013 9:06 PM

This is an autoreply: I am currently not available. Please leave your message, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

141-*** 2/7/2013 9:06 PM


141-*** 2/7/2013 9:06 PM

why u yelling

Me 2/7/2013 9:08 PM

bro I have been trying to get in contact with you

141-*** 2/7/2013 9:08 PM

as u can see clearly i was not here

Me 2/7/2013 9:09 PM

I cant see anything you told me another order was approved and shipped and nothing came to any drops

141-*** 2/7/2013 9:10 PM

***-** went out already

141-*** 2/7/2013 9:10 PM

def should have come ill get track

Me 2/7/2013 9:11 PM

wat is update on order its going on 2 weeks now

Me 2/7/2013 9:11 PM

I got that, you said another went through

141-*** 2/7/2013 9:11 PM

oh no i said one was processing and it declined

141-*** 2/7/2013 9:11 PM

i owe u three, there were new amex SM i cant control

141-*** 2/7/2013 9:11 PM

back to work and should all b out next week

141-*** 2/7/2013 9:11 PM


Me 2/7/2013 9:12 PM

? meaning you can beat SM now?

141-*** 2/7/2013 9:12 PM


Me 2/7/2013 9:14 PM

ok so thats 3 more plus the $200 from last order and new order

141-*** 2/7/2013 9:14 PM

200 from last order?

Me 2/7/2013 9:15 PM

you said you were sending $200 for fees and I never received

141-*** 2/7/2013 9:15 PM

i dont send just 200 thats after a few orders and i will send 1k or 2k for u

141-*** 2/7/2013 9:15 PM

not each time u pay

Me 2/7/2013 9:17 PM

? after few orders, I believe I made more than a few orders bro

141-*** 2/7/2013 9:17 PM

This is an autoreply: I am currently not available. Please leave your message, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

141-*** 2/7/2013 9:17 PM

i mean fees need to be more than 200

Me 2/7/2013 9:19 PM

lol my fees were more bro

Me 2/7/2013 9:19 PM

we spoke about this

141-*** 2/7/2013 9:19 PM

u just said 200

Me 2/7/2013 9:19 PM

no, you said you were goin to send extra $200

Me 2/7/2013 9:20 PM

my fees came up to $400

141-*** 2/7/2013 9:20 PM

ok so ill send 400

Me 2/7/2013 9:22 PM

ok and wat did you mean by you will send 1k or 2k for me?

141-*** 2/7/2013 9:22 PM

i meant when fees total that then i send a card

141-*** 2/7/2013 9:22 PM

otherwise a waste of your drop

Me 2/7/2013 9:24 PM

I will use different drop, doesnt matter

Me 2/7/2013 9:24 PM

Have plenty of drops

Me 2/7/2013 9:28 PM

I need some type of confirmation of delivery of orders next week tho, because this is exactly wat I didnt want to go through again with so much money involved

141-*** 2/7/2013 9:28 PM

This is an autoreply: I am currently not available. Please leave your message, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

141-*** 2/7/2013 9:29 PM

yeah every time they ship i tell ui

141-*** 2/7/2013 9:29 PM

nothing changed

Me 2/7/2013 9:29 PM

am I still 2nd on queue? or order before me filled???

141-*** 2/7/2013 9:30 PM

2nd starting this weekend

141-*** 2/7/2013 9:31 PM

no point doing tomorrow or early sat

141-*** 2/7/2013 9:31 PM

will do sat afternoon

Me 2/7/2013 9:31 PM

Ok bro I will reach out to you sat

141-*** 2/7/2013 9:36 PM


141-*** 2/8/2013 12:44 PM

what was tick u opened

141-*** 2/8/2013 12:44 PM

nothing was in it

141-*** 2/8/2013 12:44 PM

except u said u were opening for second part??

Me 2/8/2013 12:44 PM

I wanted to know when the 2nd part of the order was being delivered

141-*** 2/8/2013 12:44 PM

This is an autoreply: I am currently not available. Please leave your message, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Me 2/8/2013 12:45 PM

but you said yday it was declined

141-*** 2/8/2013 12:45 PM

o ok

Me 2/19/2013 11:46 AM


Me 2/19/2013 11:47 AM

Bro wats going on man, this wait is ridiculous now

141-*** 2/19/2013 11:49 AM

hey apologies few things happened at once. partner got busted for something and my PC died and had a hard time getting a backup to get my ICQ passwords off it.

Me 2/19/2013 11:50 AM

smh man again something occur when big order placed, goin on a month now and nothing, was told last week friday u would be placing orders

Me 2/19/2013 11:51 AM

just want to know when im received plastics no beef no issue just want my order

141-*** 2/19/2013 11:51 AM

yes gangz owed me 100 fullz he nebver gave me

141-*** 2/19/2013 11:51 AM

im checkin on them now

141-*** 2/19/2013 11:51 AM

in future will not be doing extra orders

141-*** 2/19/2013 11:52 AM

only 1:1

141-*** 2/19/2013 11:52 AM

until done

Me 2/19/2013 11:52 AM

yeah u c, Im not sure if u and ur partner share ICQ but I asked u before about that because I knew that was the issue

Me 2/19/2013 11:52 AM

I was told u already had fullz and gangz wasnt ur only supplier, now Im being told different

141-*** 2/19/2013 11:52 AM

he wasnt only but other was out

141-*** 2/19/2013 11:52 AM

and had fullz on order

141-*** 2/19/2013 11:53 AM

but didnt arrive

141-*** 2/19/2013 11:53 AM

checking now

Me 2/19/2013 11:53 AM

this is really frustrating

141-*** 2/19/2013 11:53 AM

i know i m sorry frustrating me 2

141-*** 2/19/2013 11:53 AM

i dont like this slow stuff

Me 2/19/2013 1:36 PM

so u received new fullz???

141-*** 2/19/2013 1:36 PM

a portion yesd will update tomorrow

Me 2/19/2013 1:37 PM


Me 2/21/2013 7:43 PM

Bro order being placed or you going to issue me refund bro, goin on a month now
Последнее редактирование:


As you can see, he made lousy excuse about partner being arrested, first time he said he didnt need gangsterz, then he says that he was promised fullz from gangsterz and never received, smh. This guy disappeared from ICQ and hasnt been on c.pro since Feb 24, Ninja please deal with him accordingly.


Also he is not updating on him cvv website ppshop.cc :[ Badger Be responsible please! its our money not yours! Be honest as you say before!


What you said is true and I have not delivered on some orders but i am back TODAY and i am starting work again to get all fulfilled and not taking new orders until they are all done. Do not worry I know it has been a while but situation did NOT allow me to get online without putting me at risk and buyers also! could not work yet but I am here now and also on ICQ to chat if you want!!


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