
Link to the member:

Hello, first and foremost this user is not a ripper but he was just not able to complete my whole order.

Escrow was initiated with Admin CSU icq: 886315 - 450 LR

My request is to give him $300 for 2 order completion. And redeem me my $150. The total was $450.

Here is picture proof of him stating I can take the money from escrow since only 2 actually got shipped.

ok got my bro to send logs from my PC.
Vizion3/14/2011 3:20 PM
its vizion from
Vizion3/14/2011 3:21 PM
need iPhone 4
Mayweather3/14/2011 3:27 PM
Vizion3/14/2011 3:27 PM
I am in need of 3 of them
Vizion3/14/2011 3:27 PM
three iPhone 4 16gb u can do?
Mayweather3/14/2011 3:28 PM
i m working through escrow
Vizion3/14/2011 3:28 PM
okay np
Vizion3/14/2011 3:28 PM
so you can sell me?
Mayweather3/14/2011 3:28 PM
u hve usa drops?
Vizion3/14/2011 3:28 PM
Vizion3/14/2011 3:28 PM
3 of them
Mayweather3/14/2011 3:29 PM
Vizion3/14/2011 3:30 PM
how much u charge
Vizion3/14/2011 3:30 PM
and i need it by thursday LATEST
Mayweather3/14/2011 3:30 PM
i ship full package
Vizion3/14/2011 3:30 PM
Vizion3/14/2011 3:30 PM
so i get what in it?
Vizion3/14/2011 3:30 PM
It's brand new correct?
Mayweather3/14/2011 3:30 PM
andbrand new
Mayweather3/14/2011 3:31 PM
Mayweather3/14/2011 3:31 PM
att lock
Vizion3/14/2011 3:31 PM
Vizion3/14/2011 3:31 PM
you did it via call-in method?
Mayweather3/14/2011 3:31 PM
Mayweather3/14/2011 3:31 PM
it s otger metod
Mayweather3/14/2011 3:31 PM
Vizion3/14/2011 3:31 PM
Vizion3/14/2011 3:31 PM
how much?
Mayweather3/14/2011 3:31 PM
Vizion3/14/2011 3:31 PM
for 3?
Vizion3/14/2011 3:31 PM
you no give discount?
Mayweather3/14/2011 3:32 PM
for three 500
Vizion3/14/2011 3:32 PM
$350, i usually buy 3.
Vizion3/14/2011 3:32 PM
but original seller of mine is on vacation for 2-3 weeks
Mayweather3/14/2011 3:33 PM
its not ars bro so i do it for 500$
Vizion3/14/2011 3:33 PM
I will pay you 400 tops
Vizion3/14/2011 3:42 PM
i buy 8 after
Vizion3/14/2011 3:42 PM
the three
Vizion3/14/2011 3:46 PM
hello mayweather?
Mayweather3/14/2011 3:47 PM
450 min bro
Vizion3/14/2011 3:47 PM
$400, then i purchase 8 after the three. So 11 all together.
Vizion3/14/2011 3:48 PM
Is include accesories?
Mayweather3/14/2011 3:48 PM
i have a lot of orders
Mayweather3/14/2011 3:48 PM
yes include
Vizion3/14/2011 3:48 PM
i need 3 by thursday
Vizion3/14/2011 3:48 PM
u can do?
Mayweather3/14/2011 3:48 PM
i can,450 u agree?
Vizion3/14/2011 3:50 PM
Fine, $450 for three deal. Then i buy 8 you should lower because i buy bulk many sellers lower price
Vizion3/14/2011 3:50 PM
Vizion3/14/2011 3:50 PM
You can do by Thursday for SURE, because it's very urgent.
Mayweather3/14/2011 3:50 PM
release money to escrow on wednesday
Vizion3/14/2011 3:51 PM
i can send escrow money now
Vizion3/14/2011 3:51 PM
via LR
Vizion3/14/2011 3:51 PM
then u ship?
Mayweather3/14/2011 3:51 PM
yes lr
Vizion3/14/2011 3:51 PM
i need it by Thursday LATEST, if u can get earlier its better
Mayweather3/14/2011 3:51 PM
i have a lot of orders tommorow
Mayweather3/14/2011 3:51 PM
so can do it on wednesday
Vizion3/14/2011 3:51 PM
Please, do mine ahead because i don't mind purchasing a lot more from you if you come through
Vizion3/14/2011 3:52 PM
the position i am in right now i need it ASAP.
Mayweather3/14/2011 3:52 PM
i understand u,but can do not earlier wednesday
Vizion3/14/2011 3:52 PM
so when will i get?
Mayweather3/14/2011 3:53 PM
next day
Vizion3/14/2011 3:53 PM
give me date
Vizion3/14/2011 3:53 PM
u mean 2morrow i will get?
Vizion3/14/2011 3:53 PM
i need it by this week.
Mayweather3/14/2011 3:53 PM
Vizion3/14/2011 3:53 PM
Okay deal
Vizion3/14/2011 3:53 PM
Thursday should be at my drops correct?
Mayweather3/14/2011 3:53 PM
Vizion3/14/2011 3:54 PM
k i send $450 to escrow right Now.
Vizion3/14/2011 3:54 PM
You pay it escrow fee's?
Mayweather3/14/2011 3:56 PM
i pay half
Vizion3/14/2011 3:56 PM
k np
Vizion3/14/2011 3:56 PM
i contact escrow support right now
Mayweather3/14/2011 3:56 PM
Mayweather3/14/2011 3:57 PM
u need 3 iphone 16gb yes?
Mayweather3/14/2011 3:59 PM
and when i see package delivered i take money from escrow ok?
Vizion3/14/2011 3:59 PM
Vizion3/14/2011 3:59 PM
Vizion3/14/2011 4:00 PM
you give me email like from site u get from
Vizion3/14/2011 4:00 PM
so i know u did not just send rocks in a box and ship to me
Mayweather3/14/2011 4:03 PM
u need proof?
Mayweather3/14/2011 4:05 PM
u cant call to drop
Vizion3/14/2011 4:10 PM
Vizion3/14/2011 4:10 PM
yes a bit proof would be nice
Vizion3/14/2011 4:10 PM
like just show me the email where they give u tracking # you know?
Mayweather3/14/2011 4:10 PM
Vizion3/14/2011 4:11 PM
Is okay?
Mayweather3/14/2011 4:11 PM
yes ill show u
Vizion3/14/2011 4:11 PM
Vizion3/14/2011 4:11 PM
im sending money to escrow
Vizion3/14/2011 4:11 PM
right now
Vizion3/14/2011 4:11 PM
send him ur half
Mayweather3/14/2011 4:11 PM
send him 450+yor half
Mayweather3/14/2011 4:11 PM
and it will be ok
Vizion3/14/2011 4:12 PM
k so i ll send 463.5
Mayweather3/14/2011 4:12 PM
Vizion3/14/2011 4:23 PM
Talking to escrow now
Mayweather3/14/2011 4:24 PM
Vizion3/14/2011 4:28 PM

Batch 57217454
Vizion3/14/2011 4:28 PM
Send ur half
Vizion3/14/2011 4:28 PM
I sent 463.50
Vizion3/14/2011 4:38 PM
hello buddy?
Mayweather3/14/2011 4:38 PM
Mayweather3/14/2011 4:38 PM
sending him
Vizion3/14/2011 4:38 PM
Okay good, notify me when all done
Mayweather3/14/2011 4:38 PM
all done
Vizion3/14/2011 4:39 PM
Alright lets hope
Vizion3/14/2011 4:39 PM
i get by thursday
Vizion3/14/2011 4:39 PM
i am going to upload address
Vizion3/14/2011 4:39 PM
on sendspace
Mayweather3/14/2011 4:39 PM
ok give me info
Mayweather3/14/2011 4:39 PM
iphone 4 16gb yes?
Vizion3/14/2011 4:39 PM
Yes, 3 of them.
Mayweather3/14/2011 4:40 PM
Vizion3/14/2011 4:40 PM
okay here is info
Vizion3/14/2011 4:40 PM
For first iphone:
Vizion3/14/2011 4:40 PM

Country -
City -
Name to ship to:
Vizion3/14/2011 4:40 PM
Vizion3/14/2011 4:40 PM
For 2nd iPhone:
Vizion3/14/2011 4:40 PM

Country -
City -
zip -
Name to ship to:
Vizion3/14/2011 4:40 PM
Vizion3/14/2011 4:40 PM
For 3rd iPhone
Vizion3/14/2011 4:41 PM

Country -
City -
Zip code -
Name to ship to:
Vizion3/14/2011 4:41 PM
Mayweather3/14/2011 4:41 PM
ok received
Vizion3/14/2011 4:41 PM
Alright, please save all info on notepad or some document you can save it and use when need
Mayweather3/14/2011 4:41 PM
when a u usually online?
Vizion3/14/2011 4:41 PM
Really looking forward to doing long term biz with you if all go good i purchase 8 after.
Vizion3/14/2011 4:41 PM
I am usually online from 3 - 9 PM pacific time
Vizion3/14/2011 4:45 PM
You get it all info mayweather?
Mayweather3/14/2011 4:46 PM
yes man
Vizion3/14/2011 4:46 PM
Okay, will i get tracking # when?
Mayweather3/14/2011 4:47 PM
Vizion3/14/2011 4:47 PM
Mayweather3/14/2011 4:47 PM
in this time or little bit later
Vizion3/14/2011 4:47 PM
Okay, as long has it get to my drop by thursday
Vizion3/14/2011 4:47 PM
i am good
Vizion3/14/2011 4:48 PM
also if im offline MAKE SURE you PM me tracking number + screenshot of proof
Vizion3/14/2011 4:48 PM
Vizion3/14/2011 7:07 PM
Mayweather3/14/2011 7:10 PM
Vizion3/14/2011 7:10 PM
I was wondering if package need sign?
Mayweather3/14/2011 7:10 PM
Vizion3/14/2011 7:10 PM
great, u shippin via what?
Mayweather3/14/2011 7:10 PM
Vizion3/14/2011 7:14 PM
Vizion3/14/2011 7:14 PM
estimated delivery usual, so i can have my drop men pick package and go
Mayweather3/14/2011 7:14 PM
Mayweather3/14/2011 7:15 PM
mb delivered at 9am,mb at 3
Vizion3/14/2011 7:15 PM
Vizion3/17/2011 3:28 PM
Vizion3/17/2011 3:28 PM
shipment got called back by shipper
Vizion3/17/2011 3:28 PM
Mayweather3/17/2011 3:30 PM
yes i know,all stuffers hve the same problem who ships from thee(
Vizion3/17/2011 3:30 PM
Now what?
Vizion3/17/2011 3:30 PM
I need this ASAP...
Mayweather3/17/2011 3:32 PM
u can take money back from escrow,cause they return the packages
Vizion3/17/2011 3:33 PM
...So you can't off this service?
Vizion3/17/2011 3:33 PM
i really need these iphones bro
Mayweather3/17/2011 3:34 PM
bro i dont know why they return packages,they ship them but return on delivery
Vizion3/17/2011 3:34 PM
all customers have same prob?
Mayweather3/17/2011 3:34 PM
yes man
Vizion3/17/2011 3:35 PM
Mayweather3/17/2011 3:35 PM
only one order hve been completed today
Vizion3/17/2011 3:35 PM
can u try again for me i really really really need this
Mayweather3/17/2011 3:35 PM
i can try but i think they return again
Vizion3/17/2011 3:36 PM

Vizion3/17/2011 3:36 PM
u said 1 order worked?
Mayweather3/17/2011 3:36 PM
6 returned today
Mayweather3/17/2011 3:36 PM
1 delivered
Vizion3/17/2011 3:36 PM
that guy lucky
Vizion3/17/2011 3:37 PM
Vizion3/17/2011 3:37 PM
do something my friend, pls
Mayweather3/17/2011 3:37 PM
yesterday 3 delivered
Mayweather3/17/2011 3:37 PM
bro i done 6 orders today,i ll see tomorrow
Mayweather3/17/2011 3:38 PM
if at least half of orders
Mayweather3/17/2011 3:38 PM
wil be delivered i do for u again
Vizion3/17/2011 3:38 PM
Mayweather3/17/2011 3:38 PM
sorrry bro
Vizion3/17/2011 3:38 PM
shit man, please work something out
Vizion3/17/2011 3:39 PM
you know im legit buyer
Vizion3/17/2011 3:39 PM
bulk long term buyer from you,
Mayweather3/17/2011 3:39 PM
i know bro
Mayweather3/17/2011 3:39 PM
everyday i do 7-10 orders for different buyers
Mayweather3/17/2011 3:39 PM
last weeks it was ok
Mayweather3/17/2011 3:40 PM
but this week...
Vizion3/17/2011 3:40 PM
Vizion3/17/2011 3:40 PM
u doing via enrolls correct?
Mayweather3/17/2011 3:41 PM
no it is other method
Vizion3/17/2011 3:41 PM
oh k
Mayweather3/17/2011 3:41 PM
private method
Vizion3/17/2011 3:41 PM
hopefully did not get patched
Mayweather3/17/2011 3:43 PM
3 month ago it was such problem but then normallized
Vizion3/17/2011 3:44 PM
maybe jst bad order
Vizion3/17/2011 3:44 PM
try again and let me know
Mayweather3/17/2011 3:44 PM
Vizion3/17/2011 3:44 PM
i believe in you
Mayweather3/17/2011 3:44 PM
it s not bad order
Mayweather3/17/2011 3:44 PM
some pepople such me
Mayweather3/17/2011 3:44 PM
do it
Mayweather3/17/2011 3:44 PM
a lot
Mayweather3/17/2011 3:44 PM
so shop became more strict
Mayweather3/17/2011 3:45 PM
i think it will be ok
Mayweather3/17/2011 3:45 PM
next week i do again
Vizion3/17/2011 4:11 PM
Vizion3/17/2011 4:11 PM
so what day shud i get?
Vizion3/17/2011 4:11 PM
and do i need NEW address or wut?
Mayweather3/17/2011 4:15 PM
i ll see tomorrow,how today orders will be completed
Vizion3/19/2011 12:26 PM
Vizion3/19/2011 12:26 PM
any news on phones?
Mayweather3/19/2011 3:20 PM
Mayweather3/19/2011 3:20 PM
yesterday 4 orders was completed
Mayweather3/19/2011 3:20 PM
Vizion3/19/2011 3:49 PM
Vizion3/19/2011 3:50 PM
so u do my order soon?
Mayweather3/19/2011 4:01 PM
Mayweather3/19/2011 4:02 PM
it will be better to give me new adress
Vizion3/19/2011 4:13 PM
Vizion3/19/2011 4:14 PM
...idk if i can get new bro
Vizion3/19/2011 4:14 PM
can it be all to 1 address?
Vizion3/19/2011 4:14 PM
instead of seperate for each
Mayweather3/19/2011 4:15 PM
they return package
Vizion3/19/2011 4:16 PM
Vizion3/19/2011 4:16 PM
Vizion3/19/2011 4:16 PM
can i put to 1 adress 3 phones
Mayweather3/19/2011 4:18 PM
give me one new adress
Vizion3/19/2011 7:53 PM
Vizion3/22/2011 2:57 PM
hey mayweather
Vizion3/22/2011 2:57 PM
i got address for you
Mayweather3/22/2011 2:57 PM
Vizion3/22/2011 2:58 PM
bro how u been lately?
Vizion3/22/2011 2:58 PM
doing good?
Vizion3/22/2011 2:58 PM
Here's new address:
Vizion3/22/2011 2:58 PM
Vizion3/22/2011 2:58 PM
Vizion3/22/2011 2:58 PM
Vizion3/22/2011 2:59 PM
Vizion3/22/2011 3:14 PM
Vizion3/22/2011 3:14 PM
got it?
Mayweather3/22/2011 3:14 PM
Vizion3/22/2011 3:14 PM
k kool
Vizion3/22/2011 3:14 PM
when will i get?
Vizion3/22/2011 3:15 PM
need by this week
Mayweather3/22/2011 3:15 PM
i do first tomorrow
Vizion3/22/2011 3:15 PM
Alright good.
Mayweather3/22/2011 3:15 PM
but it ll be better to find second adress
Vizion3/22/2011 3:15 PM
uhm kk
Vizion3/22/2011 3:49 PM
Vizion3/22/2011 3:49 PM
u cant ship all 3 to 1 house?
Mayweather3/22/2011 3:50 PM
Vizion3/22/2011 3:51 PM
So, i have another address but it's like near the one i gave u
Mayweather3/22/2011 3:51 PM
i do it next day
Vizion3/22/2011 3:52 PM
Vizion3/22/2011 3:52 PM
but im not sure if anybody is going to be home
Vizion3/22/2011 3:52 PM
can i leave note?
Mayweather3/22/2011 3:52 PM
they usually leave the package
Mayweather3/22/2011 3:52 PM
if it house
Vizion3/22/2011 3:53 PM
Yah, it's a house.
Vizion3/22/2011 5:37 PM
Vizion3/22/2011 5:37 PM
here is both address:
Vizion3/22/2011 6:05 PM
Vizion3/22/2011 6:05 PM
Vizion3/22/2011 6:05 PM
Other one will come later, but send 2 there.
Mayweather3/22/2011 6:06 PM
Mayweather3/24/2011 5:23 PM
a u here?
Vizion3/24/2011 5:33 PM
Mayweather3/24/2011 5:33 PM
Mayweather3/24/2011 5:33 PM
bck what that mean?
Vizion3/24/2011 5:36 PM
Mayweather3/24/2011 5:36 PM
oh ok
Vizion3/24/2011 5:36 PM
in 20 mins u have tracking correct?
Mayweather3/24/2011 5:36 PM
yesterday i had at 11 pm est
Mayweather3/24/2011 5:37 PM
so u want to release money drom escrow after other 2 delivered?
Vizion3/24/2011 5:38 PM
Vizion3/24/2011 5:38 PM
That's 8pm for me
Vizion3/24/2011 5:38 PM
do me favor man
Vizion3/24/2011 5:39 PM
send tracking here AND on ok?
Mayweather3/24/2011 5:40 PM
for whom on
Vizion3/24/2011 5:41 PM
Vizion3/24/2011 5:41 PM
because i don't come online till little late
Vizion3/24/2011 5:41 PM
i can not acces icq during work hours
Mayweather3/24/2011 5:45 PM
Vizion3/24/2011 5:45 PM
Vizion = my
Mayweather3/24/2011 5:45 PM
i need money faster bro
Mayweather3/24/2011 5:46 PM
Vizion3/24/2011 5:46 PM
thats why i said msg tracking there
Vizion3/24/2011 5:46 PM
then i msg escrow on
Vizion3/24/2011 5:46 PM
tell him to release funds
Mayweather3/24/2011 5:47 PM
u tell him by icq bro
Mayweather3/24/2011 5:47 PM
then he release money to me
Vizion3/24/2011 5:47 PM
ok friend
Vizion3/24/2011 5:47 PM
but still PM me
Mayweather3/24/2011 5:47 PM
ok i send u two tracking numbers
Vizion3/24/2011 5:48 PM
Mayweather3/24/2011 6:08 PM
Mayweather3/24/2011 6:12 PM
Mayweather3/24/2011 6:14 PM
the other will be later
Vizion3/24/2011 6:15 PM
Mayweather3/24/2011 6:16 PM
(21:11:02 24/03/2011)
Vizion3/24/2011 6:17 PM
Vizion3/24/2011 6:17 PM
and other tracking is not yet recieve u?
Mayweather3/24/2011 6:18 PM
it will be sooner
Vizion3/24/2011 6:20 PM
Vizion3/24/2011 6:33 PM
im go offline
Vizion3/24/2011 6:34 PM
PM me other to Vizion
Vizion3/24/2011 7:57 PM
u get tracking #
Mayweather3/24/2011 8:18 PM
not yet bro,they can give at night
Vizion3/24/2011 8:53 PM
Mayweather3/24/2011 8:57 PM
not man
Vizion3/24/2011 8:57 PM
u think order wrok
Vizion3/24/2011 8:57 PM
Mayweather3/24/2011 8:57 PM
they should give it at night
Mayweather3/24/2011 8:57 PM
processing man/
Vizion3/24/2011 8:58 PM
really need if not work im in big trouble
Vizion3/24/2011 8:58 PM
Vizion3/24/2011 8:58 PM
these from att?
Mayweather3/24/2011 8:58 PM
Mayweather3/24/2011 8:58 PM
it work bro
Vizion3/24/2011 8:58 PM
i know,
Vizion3/24/2011 8:59 PM
but ATT requires plan when buy online
Vizion3/24/2011 8:59 PM
Mayweather3/24/2011 8:59 PM
it my own method
Vizion3/24/2011 8:59 PM
oh i see
Vizion3/24/2011 8:59 PM
how much for method
Mayweather3/24/2011 8:59 PM
not selling
Mayweather3/24/2011 8:59 PM
its private
Vizion3/24/2011 8:59 PM
not even 3k?
Mayweather3/24/2011 9:00 PM
u wanna pay 3k?
Vizion3/24/2011 9:00 PM
1.5k ha ha
Mayweather3/25/2011 6:39 AM
48xx72xxx St
shipping name:
Vizion3/25/2011 2:55 PM
nothing came bro
Vizion3/25/2011 2:55 PM
this is really sad
Vizion3/25/2011 2:55 PM
now im in deep shit with my other client
Vizion3/25/2011 2:55 PM

Vizion3/25/2011 2:55 PM
Mayweather3/25/2011 2:56 PM
yes man att fucked me
Vizion3/25/2011 2:56 PM
What happen?
Vizion3/25/2011 2:56 PM
I am very very dissapointed dude
Mayweather3/25/2011 2:57 PM
they return packages
Vizion3/25/2011 2:57 PM
i said it need all 3 last thursday latest, now im in very very
Vizion3/25/2011 2:57 PM
bad situation
Mayweather3/25/2011 2:59 PM
i knowfrom verizon it is better
Mayweather3/25/2011 2:59 PM
att one day success,another not
Vizion3/25/2011 3:02 PM
I am very dissapointed
Vizion3/25/2011 3:03 PM
my client curse me out
Mayweather3/25/2011 3:03 PM
only one delivered(
Vizion3/25/2011 3:08 PM
Vizion3/25/2011 3:08 PM
lets make it deal
Vizion3/25/2011 3:08 PM
You give me,
Vizion3/25/2011 3:08 PM
1 extra phone?
Vizion3/25/2011 3:08 PM
is okay
Vizion3/25/2011 3:09 PM
if all come through like i said, i buy 7-8 more
Mayweather3/25/2011 3:10 PM
talk to escrow to give me 150$ for first iphone
Vizion3/25/2011 3:10 PM
Vizion3/25/2011 3:10 PM
wuts his icq
Vizion3/25/2011 3:11 PM
support CI? is him
Mayweather3/25/2011 3:11 PM
Mayweather3/25/2011 3:11 PM
Admin CS
Vizion3/25/2011 3:13 PM
wuts ur icw
Vizion3/25/2011 3:13 PM
Mayweather3/25/2011 3:13 PM
Vizion3/25/2011 3:14 PM
and LR
Mayweather3/25/2011 3:14 PM
i say to him
Vizion3/25/2011 3:14 PM
what i say
Vizion3/25/2011 3:14 PM
Mayweather3/25/2011 3:14 PM
say to release for icq 285926278 150$
Vizion3/25/2011 3:14 PM
0Z@x3:11 PM


0Z@x3:13 PM

please release 150$

to this LR

0Z@x3:14 PM

i mean to this icq:

Vizion3/25/2011 3:14 PM
ok done.
Vizion3/25/2011 3:14 PM
Also mayweather
Vizion3/25/2011 3:14 PM
u do me one extra phone
Vizion3/25/2011 3:15 PM
my client is on my ass
Mayweather3/25/2011 3:15 PM
no for what?
Vizion3/25/2011 3:15 PM
You tel me last thursday you going to get
Vizion3/25/2011 3:15 PM
now i no get again
Vizion3/25/2011 3:15 PM
Vizion3/25/2011 3:15 PM
i still need 2 phones.
Vizion3/25/2011 3:15 PM
when can u get it?
Vizion3/25/2011 3:15 PM
need it ASAP
Mayweather3/25/2011 3:16 PM
i do it asap with another sheme
Mayweather3/25/2011 3:16 PM
and escrow release another
Mayweather3/25/2011 3:16 PM
Mayweather3/25/2011 3:16 PM
and our first dela will be completed
Mayweather3/25/2011 3:16 PM
first deal
Vizion3/25/2011 3:19 PM
Vizion3/25/2011 3:19 PM
Vizion6/7/2011 11:04 AM
yo mayweatehr my phone come today correct?
Vizion6/7/2011 11:05 AM
ah shit
Mayweather6/7/2011 11:05 AM
no man,tomorrow had some problems yesterday
Vizion6/7/2011 11:05 AM
what time 2morrow?
Mayweather6/7/2011 11:06 AM
dunno about 11-15pst
Vizion6/7/2011 11:07 AM
Vizion6:50 PM
bro i nvr got any of my iphones
Vizion6:50 PM
except 1
Vizion6:53 PM
order 3
Vizion6:54 PM
i ll pay u for the 1. $150
Vizion6:54 PM
rest i wnt $ bck from escrow
Vizion6:54 PM
gimmie ur lr

Thanks, for reviewing this issue and hopefully it will be solved as soon as possible.
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