
His ICQ 869-058

First time when i spoke with the guy i asked him for an id scan , he did it perfectly . Then he said if I have uk paypal accounts he can card from ebay and we split the money he get for products . I supplied him with paypal accounts , he said he got some stuff and he sold the stuff and he's waiting to get the lr from wm-center and will send my share .... he sent 0 lr , dont answer in ICQ and he also sent me a PM on forum asking me about uk fullz .... this guy is real dumb or I dont know what to say. Actually i lost only some paypals and a few uk debit fullz but for me is still a ripper.

(7:33:40 PM) Давай, до свидания: here ?
(7:33:51 PM) 869058: Yep here
(7:34:03 PM) Давай, до свидания: have some good news ?:)
(7:34:13 PM) 869058: no news today
(7:34:15 PM) 869058: nothing came :(
(7:34:17 PM) 869058: no iphones
(7:34:23 PM) 869058: no messages form paypal or the seller
(7:34:27 PM) 869058: i have emailed
(7:34:28 PM) 869058: no reply
(7:34:44 PM) 869058: prob not coming, but there might be delays
(7:34:52 PM) 869058: so we just wait and see and order more stiff in the mean time
(7:35:03 PM) Давай, до свидания: i see
(7:35:03 PM) 869058: I need to send yo some money tho
(7:35:10 PM) 869058: will have to be by wu
(7:35:12 PM) Давай, до свидания: got lr ?
(7:35:16 PM) 869058: or i can exchange to lr for you
(7:35:23 PM) 869058: i dont have any lr myself
(7:35:29 PM) 869058: no ids sold today
(7:35:42 PM) 869058: i can exchange tomorrow if you want
(7:35:51 PM) 869058: or send to you directly
(7:55:36 PM) Давай, до свидания: how much i need to receive ?
(7:56:28 PM) 869058: £560
(7:56:39 PM) Давай, до свидания: my share ?
(7:56:43 PM) 869058: yes
(7:56:52 PM) Давай, до свидания: oh thats awesome :)
(7:57:03 PM) 869058: yeah, was hoping for more
(7:57:06 PM) 869058: but its a start
(7:57:21 PM) Давай, до свидания: me too but is good
(7:57:24 PM) 869058: just let me know how you want it

(8:35:31 AM) 869058: just got back from town
(8:35:35 AM) 869058: WU and post office
(8:35:40 AM) 869058: money sent
(8:35:47 AM) 869058: just waiting to hear from the exchanger
(8:35:54 AM) 869058: shouldnt be long
(8:35:58 AM) 869058: they are usually an hour or 2
(8:36:00 AM) Давай, до свидания: awesome :)
(8:36:02 AM) Давай, до свидания: yes i know
(8:36:10 AM) Давай, до свидания: i worked with wmcenter a lot

(8:51:31 PM) 869058: got some new paypals or fullz bro?
(8:52:06 PM) Давай, до свидания: fullz only shitty debits
(8:52:25 PM) Давай, до свидания: after i get the lr will pay in the morning a guy to buy a software who harvest emails
(8:55:44 PM) 869058: cool
(8:56:08 PM) Давай, до свидания: he asked 100 lr
(8:56:14 PM) Давай, до свидания: hope he will not run away :)
(8:56:36 PM) 869058: hope sp bro
(8:56:53 PM) 869058: debiits are ok if you have fullz with email access we can do some amazon

After i gave him another paypal accounts he did not answered anymore .
Последнее редактирование:


This guy messages me 300 times a day like a little kid asking what i'm doing and if i'm online, so i ignored him to get some work done. I'm waiting to sort out an issue with the exchanger who have rejected my id scan I sent. I will settle this, it didn't need to be made public.


(2:26:32 PM) Давай, до свидания: wm center asked you for a scan ............
(2:27:19 PM) 869058: yeah wm center asks for id on all transactions now
(2:27:28 PM) 869058: i sent it off before i made the payment
(2:27:41 PM) 869058: but the day after they said they didnt accept the scan and wouldnt be able to process it
(2:27:51 PM) 869058: and it took a while to get a reply
(2:28:00 PM) Давай, до свидания: they have live support
(2:28:09 PM) 869058: they said open a ticket
(2:28:16 PM) 869058: live spport doesnt even look at the ids
(2:28:21 PM) 869058: thats some russina dudes witha script
(2:28:37 PM) 869058: anyway, i got it reversed
(2:28:55 PM) 869058: but in teh mean time you have gone and fucked up my rep on
(2:29:20 PM) 869058: so basically go fuck yourself.. illl never sell another id on there thanks to you. you cost me a lot of money with your stupid post
(2:30:13 PM) Давай, до свидания: and why you didnt told me from first day : they asked for an id etc etc ?
(2:30:22 PM) Давай, до свидания: you didnt said anythjing
(2:30:30 PM) 869058: becuase i wasnt online at the same time as you
(2:30:38 PM) 869058: and i didnt knwo what was going on
(2:30:53 PM) 869058: and i was very busy making ids hen you messaged me like 30 times in a row
(2:31:16 PM) 869058: i thought you would trust me enough to sort it out,, guess not
(2:31:40 PM) 869058: anyway i didn use the fullz you sent, or someof the paypals, so i didnt rip you for anything
(2:31:53 PM) 869058: and nothing else shipped
(2:31:57 PM) Давай, до свидания: you sent the money to them 3 days agio
(2:32:04 PM) Давай, до свидания: in 3 days you didnt had time for a PM ?
(2:32:14 PM) 869058: i send you pms
(2:32:24 PM) 869058: and was only 2 days
(2:32:34 PM) 869058: today doesnt count
(2:32:48 PM) 869058: because ive conatcted you since then and you never replied
(2:32:56 PM) 869058: and you made the stupid ripper post
(2:33:06 PM) 869058: i dunno why i'm even talking to you
(2:33:10 PM) 869058: the dmage is already done
(2:33:19 PM) 869058: i may as well delete the acocunt
(2:33:49 PM) Давай, до свидания: i did not saw the money , you didnt told me anything ... what to believe ?
(2:34:27 PM) 869058: believe what you want bro
(2:34:32 PM) 869058: i dont care anymore
(2:34:35 PM) 869058: you fucked me
(2:34:38 PM) Давай, до свидания: i believe what i see
(2:34:45 PM) 869058: and for a lot more than $560
(2:35:02 PM) 869058: ah well no point in talking about it then is there
(2:35:56 PM) Давай, до свидания: so is my fault because you didnt sent me the share or what ?
(2:37:44 PM) Давай, до свидания: and if you delete the account from forum means you dont want to pay me
(2:37:46 PM) Давай, до свидания: simple
(2:37:48 PM) 869058: no its your fault for not beng patient to talk about it, but more to the point ruining my rep
(2:38:00 PM) 869058: and costing mea lot of money
(2:38:08 PM) Давай, до свидания: no if you do the payment your rep is more trustable like begining
(2:38:11 PM) 869058: loosing - not costing
(2:38:28 PM) 869058: if i pay you its too late me rep is already fucked
(2:38:39 PM) 869058: and i lose even more money
(2:38:41 PM) Давай, до свидания: people will see that you paid
(2:38:48 PM) Давай, до свидания: and they will trust you more
(2:38:49 PM) Давай, до свидания: simple
(2:38:55 PM) Давай, до свидания: anyway do whatever you want
(2:39:00 PM) 869058: you know how many people said they wont do business with me now?
(2:39:14 PM) 869058: paying you wont fix a fucking thing
(2:39:20 PM) 869058: they already decided not to order
(2:39:28 PM) 869058: because of your stupid fucing actions
(2:39:51 PM) Давай, до свидания: no because until 2 days ago you was online all the time , and even in these 2 days you came online on the forum
(2:40:02 PM) Давай, до свидания: but you didnt wrote 1 fucking word
(2:40:21 PM) Давай, до свидания: if you had so many orders from ppl for ids why you didnt told them send lr to this acc?
(2:41:10 PM) Давай, до свидания: and to close the account you have now instead paying what you owe means you think exactly like a ripper
(2:41:12 PM) Давай, до свидания: simple
(2:42:12 PM) 869058: whatever
(2:42:18 PM) 869058: i messaged you several times
(2:42:37 PM) 869058: yeah i had orders that would have paid me, but they didnt because of your post
(2:42:54 PM) 869058: i made 3 ids i wont get $ for even
(2:42:57 PM) Давай, до свидания: as i said if you send the share your rep will be more trustable like before
(2:42:58 PM) 869058: because i made in advance
(2:43:07 PM) 869058: no my rep is already ruined
(2:43:10 PM) Давай, до свидания: people will see that you paid
(2:43:12 PM) Давай, до свидания: loooolll
(2:43:20 PM) Давай, до свидания: do whatever you want
(2:43:20 PM) 869058: even if you say you got paid
(2:43:41 PM) 869058: and i get the title removed people still saw ita nd wont trust me
(2:43:44 PM) Давай, до свидания: from what to say for me is clear you dont pay me anymore
(2:44:18 PM) 869058: yeah im keeping the $ to cover what i lst becuase you made that fucking post
(2:44:27 PM) 869058: lost*
(2:44:40 PM) 869058: anyway no point in talking abot it
(2:44:44 PM) 869058: cya

so the guy preffer to be banned and lose his id instead paying ..... because his explanation is : even he pay me his reputation wont be clean anymore.

(2:52:08 PM) 869058: and i'll guarentee if you make another post i'll do everything i can to fuck up your rep too.... i have plenty of friends. So be smart and leave it alone
(2:52:18 PM) Давай, до свидания: do it
(2:52:23 PM) 869058: no
(2:52:25 PM) Давай, до свидания: i already posted
(2:52:27 PM) 869058: i dont want to
(2:52:39 PM) 869058: im just saying
(2:52:56 PM) Давай, до свидания: as i said i already posted
(2:53:15 PM) 869058: alright
(2:53:19 PM) 869058: stupid fucker
(2:53:20 PM) 869058: cya
Последнее редактирование:


You fucked up my rep for no reason and cost me over $1500 is sales, so yeah i'm keeping the $560 that wmcenter reversed back to me.

I hope your gypsy children fucking starve you romanian piece of shit.


Why would I risk thousands in potential revenue in ID sales on this site for a couple of shitty paypal accounts?

This guy is an idiot.


Why would I risk thousands in potential revenue in ID sales on this site for a couple of shitty paypal accounts?

This guy is an idiot.

are you dumb ???? first time you said you dont pay my share anymore ..... now you say : Why would I risk thousands in potential revenue in ID sales on this site for a couple of shitty paypal accounts?

again : are you dumb ???????
Why would I risk thousands in potential revenue in ID sales on this site for a couple of shitty paypal accounts?

This guy is an idiot.

You till get RIPPER status and get your retarded ass banned from here. And when you will come back ( you will ) with another nickname, you will again get banned for selling ID's
Paying this guy would get your rep back.
I am very upset when I see people like you here.
Its like you are high on crack or something.
I give you maximum of 2 more years of doing this until eventually you will get your carrier at KFC or McDonald's, or better yet UK Parking M@N

Sorry for offtopic


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