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abc1 3/10/2011 9:40 PM
You added abc1
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 9:43 PM

how can I help u ?
abc1 3/10/2011 9:44 PM

abc1 3/10/2011 9:44 PM

i contact you for dumps
abc1 3/10/2011 9:44 PM

i'm good customer, i always buy to bimal, but i looking for new good seller
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 9:44 PM

what u need ?
abc1 3/10/2011 9:45 PM

price for 100 usa credit signature and price for euro
abc1 3/10/2011 9:45 PM

france or other
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 9:46 PM

france 201 u want ?
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 9:46 PM

I have a special offer on 35 expering if u want
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 9:46 PM

100 credit signature 3k
abc1 3/10/2011 9:46 PM

how much ?
abc1 3/10/2011 9:47 PM

ok and euro ?
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 9:47 PM

1.5k for that 35 offer
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 9:47 PM

there are biz, gold and a few classics
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 9:47 PM

most of them are france and italy
abc1 3/10/2011 9:47 PM

what country ?
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 9:48 PM

good bins
abc1 3/10/2011 9:48 PM

sorry bro, i always work with usa dumps, what is 201 and 101 ?
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 9:48 PM

ok leave it then
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 9:49 PM

price for 100 signature is 3000$
abc1 3/10/2011 9:49 PM

no i need euro
abc1 3/10/2011 9:49 PM

cause this moment usa dont work very good
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 9:50 PM

I told u for the offer of that 35pcs of 201(means chipped)
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 9:50 PM

if u dont use euro before is super to buy this on this offer
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 9:51 PM

but again your choice
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 9:51 PM

no u dont need
abc1 3/10/2011 9:51 PM

ho i need chip ????
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 9:51 PM

but the cards are chipped
abc1 3/10/2011 9:51 PM

no i have only plastic track
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 9:51 PM

u dont need any chip
abc1 3/10/2011 9:52 PM

ok, so i have to swipe it like usa ?
abc1 3/10/2011 9:52 PM

ok i see
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 9:52 PM

only that the real card has chip
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 9:52 PM

Switch Switch 3/10/2011 9:52 PM

where u use them ?
abc1 3/10/2011 9:52 PM

ok ok i see, so i use like usa ?
abc1 3/10/2011 9:52 PM

right ?
abc1 3/10/2011 9:53 PM

Switch Switch 3/10/2011 9:54 PM

453301 OK Credit Agricole S.A. Credit CLASSIC France Paris
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 9:55 PM

in that offer inclueds a lot of france cards
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 9:55 PM

but really I dont know if they ask or not in france chipped
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 9:55 PM

for france best dumps eu 101
abc1 3/10/2011 9:56 PM

why bro ?
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 9:56 PM

I cant give u more details
abc1 3/10/2011 9:56 PM

sorry for dumb questions, but i never work with euro
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 9:56 PM

eu 101 is like us 101
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 9:56 PM

same shit
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 9:56 PM

only better
abc1 3/10/2011 9:56 PM

and don't worry, i'm a very very good customer
abc1 3/10/2011 9:57 PM

Switch Switch 3/10/2011 9:57 PM

i have a lot
abc1 3/10/2011 9:57 PM

and you dont have 101 ?
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 9:58 PM

u need ?
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 9:59 PM

ok np
abc1 3/10/2011 9:59 PM

maybe i'm going to take you one or 2 to try before
abc1 3/10/2011 9:59 PM

ok ?
abc1 3/10/2011 9:59 PM

i dont know how is euro
abc1 3/10/2011 9:59 PM

i'm going to try tomorow
abc1 3/10/2011 9:59 PM

hom much is 101 bro ?
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 9:59 PM

VISA,Master classic $80,00
VISA,Master Gold/Platinum $100,00
Corporate/Signature/Business $130,00
Infinite , World $150.00
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:04 PM

so ?
abc1 3/10/2011 10:04 PM

yes i'm speak with my exchanger bro
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:05 PM

abc1 3/10/2011 10:05 PM

i'm going to take you 1 infinite and 1 business
abc1 3/10/2011 10:05 PM

you still there ?
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:07 PM

Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:07 PM

price 280$
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:07 PM

abc1 3/10/2011 10:08 PM

have WMZ ?
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:08 PM

Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:23 PM

Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:23 PM

tell me
abc1 3/10/2011 10:23 PM

still there ?
abc1 3/10/2011 10:23 PM

i'm ready now
abc1 3/10/2011 10:23 PM

what country you have bro ?
abc1 3/10/2011 10:24 PM

i want 2 infinite
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:24 PM

Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:24 PM

WMZ 000000000000000000
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:24 PM

abc1 3/10/2011 10:25 PM

yes but what country you have bro ?
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:25 PM

arabia saudi
abc1 3/10/2011 10:25 PM

you have luxembourg or switzerland ?
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:26 PM

Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:26 PM

Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:26 PM

abc1 3/10/2011 10:26 PM

luxembourg or switzerland ?
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:26 PM

and most of the infinite come from arabi saudi
abc1 3/10/2011 10:27 PM

yes a friend tell me dubai is very bad
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:30 PM

Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:30 PM

Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:30 PM

abc1 3/10/2011 10:31 PM

i speak with a friend to know what to try
abc1 3/10/2011 10:32 PM

you have this bin 471500 471515 ?
abc1 3/10/2011 10:32 PM

Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:33 PM

471515 5 PNC Bank, National Association Credit PURCHASING United
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:33 PM

471500 1 Suntrust Bank Credit PURCHASING United States of America
Atlanta Georgia GA NEW
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:33 PM

yes both
abc1 3/10/2011 10:33 PM

you have it ?
abc1 3/10/2011 10:34 PM

ok i'll take 10 of this
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:37 PM

dont have that much
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:37 PM

from 471515 only 5
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:37 PM

and from 471500 only 1
abc1 3/10/2011 10:39 PM

bro i sent you 260 on wmz and 40 on LR
abc1 3/10/2011 10:40 PM

sorry i did'nt have all in WMZ
abc1 3/10/2011 10:40 PM

from ABC1
abc1 3/10/2011 10:40 PM

you can check ?
abc1 3/10/2011 10:41 PM

are you there bro ?
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:42 PM

Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:42 PM

abc1 3/10/2011 10:43 PM

abc1 3/10/2011 10:43 PM

so what do you thing ? bro, try euro ? or no ?
abc1 3/10/2011 10:43 PM

i really dont know what to do
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:43 PM

euro is better than us
abc1 3/10/2011 10:43 PM

i'm afraid euro give nothing
abc1 3/10/2011 10:44 PM

ok so for france what i have to take ?
abc1 3/10/2011 10:44 PM

i let you choose for
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:44 PM

me I cant after if something happens is my fault
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:45 PM

so I give u 2 infinite ?
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:45 PM

Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:45 PM

for the 300 right
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:45 PM

or I give u 1 infinite
abc1 3/10/2011 10:45 PM

Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:45 PM

and 1 I chouse
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:45 PM

this is all I can do
abc1 3/10/2011 10:45 PM

one brazil and
abc1 3/10/2011 10:45 PM

italy dont have ?
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:46 PM

Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:46 PM

Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:46 PM

if u want I can help u with this
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:46 PM

I give 1 brazil
abc1 3/10/2011 10:46 PM

1 I chouse
abc1 3/10/2011 10:46 PM

Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:46 PM

and 1 eu dump I chouse for you
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:46 PM

thant I think is good
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:46 PM

Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:46 PM

me two
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:46 PM

abc1 3/10/2011 10:46 PM

ok bro
abc1 3/10/2011 10:46 PM

i hope it's ok
abc1 3/10/2011 10:48 PM

ok go for brazil and one of your choice
abc1 3/10/2011 10:49 PM

someone told me france 101 dont work in france, it's right ?
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:52 PM


Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:52 PM

that is not true
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:52 PM

replacement 24 hours
abc1 3/10/2011 10:52 PM

really ?
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:52 PM

there are no france 101
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:52 PM

only france 201
abc1 3/10/2011 10:52 PM

not true for france ?
abc1 3/10/2011 10:53 PM

ok, of course i dont check it before
abc1 3/10/2011 10:53 PM

and fr 201 work good with swipe IN france ?
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:53 PM

I dont think so
abc1 3/10/2011 10:54 PM

ok, i'm really new in euro and i hope it will better than usa, if yes i'll take only that, we work everyday
abc1 3/10/2011 10:54 PM

so FR dont work in FR ?
abc1 3/10/2011 10:55 PM

so, i'll try tomorow that bins and i'll tell you, and of course i dont check theim before
abc1 3/10/2011 10:56 PM

bro the 2nd one is a clasic one !!!
abc1 3/10/2011 10:56 PM

455554 Credit CLASSIC Berliner Bank AG & Co. Kg Germany Berlin
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:56 PM

u told me u wanted me to chouse
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:56 PM

I chouse from u something that I know is good
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:56 PM

I told u
abc1 3/10/2011 10:57 PM

yes for country :!!!
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:57 PM

dont make my head big
abc1 3/10/2011 10:57 PM

abc1 3/10/2011 10:57 PM

abc1 3/10/2011 10:57 PM

yes choose for country
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:57 PM

infinite only available brazil 1 pcs
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:57 PM

germany no infinite man
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:57 PM

I dont have any infinite
abc1 3/10/2011 10:57 PM

you can choose german infinite bro
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:57 PM

that I know is working
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:57 PM

god damn it
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:57 PM

I know I should not do that
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:57 PM

never again I will do it
abc1 3/10/2011 10:57 PM

but tell me it before
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:57 PM

because Is my fault for hellping u people
abc1 3/10/2011 10:57 PM

i paid for an infinite not for a classic
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:58 PM

I will replace u the diffrence but never come to me again to help u
abc1 3/10/2011 10:58 PM

bro, i told you i dont know what country to choose, AND NO what type of card
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:58 PM

give me account to give u the money diffrence
abc1 3/10/2011 10:58 PM

i know i want a credit infinit and no classic
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:58 PM

and never come back to me for explanations
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 10:59 PM

neither for hel[p
abc1 3/10/2011 10:59 PM

no problem for that, i'm not crying or nothing
abc1 3/10/2011 11:00 PM

but please also, dont explain me or anything and give a classic for an infinit i paid
abc1 3/10/2011 11:00 PM

we talk only about country no for type of card
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:01 PM

give me account and resend u the money diffrence
abc1 3/10/2011 11:01 PM

but bro, it's my first order with you, i want to try euro and i also want to try you, i paid for an infinit and you give me a classic
abc1 3/10/2011 11:01 PM

no i dont need money
abc1 3/10/2011 11:02 PM

i would want to try a infinit
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:02 PM

try that germany also
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:02 PM

and u will see
abc1 3/10/2011 11:02 PM

abc1 3/10/2011 11:02 PM

bro ! a classic ???
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:02 PM

because there are no germany infnite
abc1 3/10/2011 11:02 PM

but why you dont send a german infinit ????
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:02 PM

Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:03 PM

and that bin my best clients are buying
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:03 PM

u think they are buying it for stupid
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:03 PM

why they dont buy infinite
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:03 PM

abc1 3/10/2011 11:03 PM

tell me it and we see
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:03 PM

ok enogh talking please
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:03 PM

24h replacements
abc1 3/10/2011 11:03 PM

cause its more expensive or i dont know
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:04 PM

and if u want u get money diffrence
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:04 PM

something else I can help u ?
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:04 PM

then leave it
abc1 3/10/2011 11:04 PM

damn, it's not for the money !!!!
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:04 PM

abc1 3/10/2011 11:04 PM

i buy it for try INFINTE EURO
abc1 3/10/2011 11:05 PM

not classic, i dont care about classic
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:05 PM

and u want me to do now ?
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:05 PM

tell me ?
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:06 PM

kill myself for helping u for a few bucks
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:06 PM

abc1 3/10/2011 11:06 PM

we can do nothing !!!! now, i'm the dumb who pay for a infinit and go work with classic, that's it....
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:06 PM


abc1 3/10/2011 11:06 PM

bro !!! dont tell me you help me
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:06 PM

u talking to much
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:06 PM

I told I give u money back
abc1 3/10/2011 11:06 PM

i tell you thanks
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:07 PM

u dont want
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:07 PM

nothing else I can do for you
abc1 3/10/2011 11:07 PM

for answer me, but dont send classic when someone pay for infinite !!!! and specially without tell him
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:07 PM

without tell him
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:07 PM

u full I told
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:08 PM

there are no infinite left
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:08 PM

only from germanhy
abc1 3/10/2011 11:08 PM

that's not help me to pay 150 and take a 80 classic
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:08 PM

send account to send u 70$ and stop talking
abc1 3/10/2011 11:08 PM

send another classic and i'll see
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:09 PM


Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:09 PM

leave me alone now
abc1 3/10/2011 11:10 PM

i never had this problem, i always buy only by 100 usa, but dont tell me you would want to help me
abc1 3/10/2011 11:10 PM

dont worry
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:10 PM

2 classics are 160$ i gaved them to you 150$
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:10 PM

history finished
Switch Switch 3/10/2011 11:10 PM

I dont want
abc1 3/10/2011 11:10 PM

i send you right now 10
abc1 3/10/2011 11:11 PM

i never owe someone something
abc1 3/10/2011 11:11 PM

i'll do
abc1 3/10/2011 11:13 PM

Payment Mode Account

abc1 3/10/2011 11:15 PM

and for finish, it's not the problem of money or something, IT'S ONLY I WANT TO TRY EURO INFINITE !!!!!!!!!!!!!
abc1 3/10/2011 11:17 PM

if i order a porsche it's not for have 2 toyota !!!!!!!!
abc1 3/10/2011 11:35 PM

still ignore me ?
abc1 3/10/2011 11:35 PM

what's happend if german dont work ?
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:05 AM

replacement 24h
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:12 AM

I was offline
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:12 AM

What the fuck u want ?
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:12 AM

give your fucking 300 $
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:12 AM

back and the dumps
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:12 AM

to fill happy
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:12 AM

peace of shit ?
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:12 AM

ha ?
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:12 AM

that is what u want
abc1 3/11/2011 12:12 AM

i dont want money !!!!!!!!!!!
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:12 AM

why the fuck u are posting my threat ?
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:12 AM

why ?
abc1 3/11/2011 12:12 AM

i dont need money
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:12 AM

fuck you and your mother
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:13 AM

no more nothing for your mother fucker
abc1 3/11/2011 12:13 AM

damn !!!!!
abc1 3/11/2011 12:13 AM

when you come to speak now and tell me i was offline, i would tell you, i'm going to cancel what i wrote
abc1 3/11/2011 12:14 AM

but now bro !!!!!!!
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:14 AM

go fuck yourself
abc1 3/11/2011 12:14 AM

damn, i can you use the words you use
abc1 3/11/2011 12:14 AM

you can tell what you want
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:20 AM

1 thing is clear u made me realize something today ... finish with 1 dump buying and finish with individual aproach
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:20 AM

try to be nice... problemes u get
abc1 3/11/2011 12:21 AM

LISTEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you can ask in this forum, all seller i work with, I NEVER NEVER buy less than 100 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
abc1 3/11/2011 12:21 AM

abc1 3/11/2011 12:21 AM

I told you i want to try
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:21 AM

no more trying
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:21 AM

abc1 3/11/2011 12:21 AM

i dont care about money
abc1 3/11/2011 12:21 AM

i dont care if you rip me
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:22 AM

ripping when ever u want I send your 300$
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:22 AM

Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:22 AM

and dumps for fre
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:22 AM

abc1 3/11/2011 12:22 AM

i would want to try this dump to buy after 100 or more
abc1 3/11/2011 12:22 AM

you can also take you classic back !!!!!
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:23 AM

I never take dumps back
abc1 3/11/2011 12:23 AM

if i pay for infinite it's for have classic and tell me nothing about that and you insult my mother !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:23 AM

once pasted
abc1 3/11/2011 12:23 AM

i dont pay for you insult my mother !!!!!!!!!!
abc1 3/11/2011 12:23 AM

shame on you !!!!!!!!!!!
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:23 AM

pay for your mother
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:23 AM

dont pay for me
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:23 AM

I dont need your money
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:23 AM

u never buy from me nothing again
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:24 AM

if u want to get your money back u can come back for the money
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:24 AM

money return and u erase your fucking post
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:24 AM

imbecil post
abc1 3/11/2011 12:24 AM

but as i see you need to try make tricks to win 80$
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:24 AM

offcorse I make trick
abc1 3/11/2011 12:24 AM

no i dont take your money
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:24 AM

U understand money back what means
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:24 AM

u fucking magget ?
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:25 AM

IGNORE finish talking u come back only if u want your money back
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:25 AM

until that dont speak no more
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:25 AM

I will not respond
abc1 3/11/2011 12:25 AM

and as you see, i also sent you the 10$ you asked me
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:25 AM

send it to your mother
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:25 AM

for flowers
abc1 3/11/2011 12:26 AM

yes i understand just for post that talk and tell all see i'm honest, but it's not !!!!!!!!
abc1 3/11/2011 12:26 AM

don't worry about my mother, she work better than us
abc1 3/11/2011 12:26 AM

worry about your and I NEVER insult your mother or all everybody mothers
abc1 3/11/2011 12:27 AM

mothers are the more important in the world, so do what you want, and that's the proove of what kind of seller you are
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:28 AM

u see be a good guy this is what u get
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:28 AM

insulting your mother
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:28 AM

this is what u get
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:28 AM

so from now on
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:28 AM

I will stay with your mother
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:29 AM

good guy dont work in this busizz I see
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:29 AM

all for helping u....
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:29 AM

winning 70$
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:29 AM

now I dont wanna win 70$ but I want insult your mother
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:29 AM

so U will better next time
abc1 3/11/2011 12:29 AM

helping me ????????????,
abc1 3/11/2011 12:29 AM

when ?????
abc1 3/11/2011 12:30 AM

yes goooo, make you plaisure
Switch Switch 3/11/2011 12:31 AM

I will
abc1 3/11/2011 12:32 AM

Here is the full log !!!
Последнее редактирование:
please admin !!!!! ban this seller right now !!!!!! please
what kind of seller he is ????
he past his wmz and LR account and he past the dump i paid for here...
please ban him, never happend here before...
please do something...

I order him for 2 infinites, he gave me 1 infinite and 1 classic without tell me nothing, he insult my mother, he past here his own WMZ and LR account number AND he past here the dumps i paid for 300$, i tell him on icq to erase the dumps and he don't want.
And he try to put me on black list !!! what i do wrong ??? exept paid and no receive what i order, and now i can tell bye bye to my dumps
please admin do something....
Последнее редактирование:


Ninja, read the logs for abc1 please I told him money back he dont want only thing he wants is making a lot of noise so I ignore him forever


He paid you, and you put him to blacklist?

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